Question: Can Guilds Sell Ony Bags/ZG Mounts with New Rules?

I have seen things like Ony bags and ZG mounts being bid off to try to help raise funds for the guild. In passing conversation, I realized this is might be an issue given the GDKP ban. I wouldn’t think this wouldn’t be an issue as they aren’t actually GDKP runs, but clarity would be nice.

Are you asking if letting only some items get bid off as GDKP circumvents the no-GDKP rule? I doubt it.

The defining characteristic of a GDKP run is not the fraction of items subject to being auctioned off, it’s whether items are being auctioned off at all.

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My guild runs loot council, we are not a GDKP group. We have auctioned off cosmetic & quality of life items throughout the game to support our guild’s efforts. There’s a clear difference between Staxx style GDKP raids, where half the raid is rotated regularly and every thing the group does is gold centric and a conventional guild that happens to auction off mounts and bags.

The wording of the original announcement specifically bans GDKPs only and specifies the reasoning was it deteriorates the spirit of the game. I agree with this and am happy about the change. I am asking about the actions my guild, a non-GDKP guild, has done previously. I am hoping for a more official response to help my guild decide how we’re going to handle this.

Try it and see. If nobody reports you, chances are no action will be taken.

How much do you trust the people you are running with? Do you think the losing bidders won’t get sour and report you to get even?

report them with fervor :expressionless: that is GDKP

nope, there isn’t. you’re doing GDKP, and you will be reported :expressionless:

There has been reports that folks are doing the GDKP in this thread.

This will go down on your permanent record.

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No. If it’s BoP it can’t be bought by gold.

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The issue is what qualifies as biddable/sellable? Bags, mounts, idols, ok. Maybe rare things like bindings, hmm? Obviously, your guild doesn’t get to choose (you could just choose everything). Then they would have to come up with a list and make it more complicated. Is there a difference between bidding and selling?

I think the stance is simply if its BoP, no gold changes hands to determine who gets the item. Them acting on rules is a big who knows.

Then there is grey area. Say you do loot council. What stops you from counseling gear to whoever donates the most to the guild. That might even make sense.

Does this extend to selling things like HoJ/Reed?

Give it a try and let us know how it goes lol

FYI - I’m pretty sure there is some automation in detecting GDKP, so it’s not really just about whether people report you or not.

As for the actual question - no idea. These items being cosmetic/utility I’d qualify them for an exception, but I’m not Blizz… and whatever underlying code detects GDKP may not be able to tell the difference.

no, not okay. if it’s BoP, the gold buying must stop :expressionless:

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I mean read the whole post… That was illustrative of how just xyz, becomes subjective as to what qualifies and thus does not work.

One of blizzards problems is communication they just said.

But if you didn’t play SoD you might not know what that policy is, and it was harder to find as its not pinned.

GDKP in Season of Discovery - WoW Classic / Season of Discovery - World of Warcraft Forums

That seems pretty clear that you can’t buy items like HoJ even. But is it? And are they actually enforcing that? Or do they only really mean when you are bidding against others? Like can I pay a tank and healer to run instances with me until I get HoJ?

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thank you, this is what I needed, much appreciated.

to the rest of you, take some blood pressure meds or something IDK lol.

Don’t use gold for buying items in raid; perhaps just sell raid slots for carries?

where are you getting that from :expressionless: certainly nothing blizzard has said
their stance is clear:

Well then you can then buy tokens and use those in trade for items in raid. =)

Except like that doesn’t mention bop or boe. We all assume it means BoP. But maybe they ban you for sellling t1 bracers/belt. Cores, etc.

It is sort of semantics but that is what I mean. They could clear it up a bit. And just say yes that is what we mean. Or no that’s fine.

they will ban you for BoE as well :expressionless: unless you put them on the AH or sell them in the trade channel after the raid, so people who were not in the raid have a chance to buy.

Can’t sell any gear for gold. That includes anything that drops from a boss.

So it is against the rules.