Question about what would be actionable for account penalties

No. As explained in your last thread, when you join a BG, you are expected to participate. Not stay in the cave, not go fishing, not “defend” by playing another game, not berate your teammates.

Go play the BG. Once you stop participating, you are breaking the rules. It’s no one else’s fault but yours.


[quote=“Nephe, post:18, topic:1987832, username:Nephe-caelestrasz”]
Only takes 1 report. [/quote]

I think there is miscommunication here somewhere, so I will explain. We were facing an alliance premade team. We had like 400 bonus honor. No towers were capped and the alliance had entire horde team trapped in the cave. They were actually going in the cave and killing horde players and the elite horde guards as the horde were spawning in. I hid all the way in the back, and played with my cat while they were getting free honor. When they got bored, I did move forward with a few people to kill lts but they killed drek.

Also found this: from their support page. So, it looks like one report doesn’t get actioned.

We silence your account if you are reported multiple times for Spam or Abusive Chat. The duration of your silence increases each time we apply it to your account. There is no maximum limit to the silence duration, and may lead to an account suspension or closure.

The following points apply to all Blizzard games:

  • Abusive chat reports will fall off after a predetermined amount of time.
  • Multiple abusive chat reports from the same person do not stack—only reports from unique players are counted towards a silence penalty.
  • Being reported for abusive chat while silenced does not count against you.
  • The number of abusive chat reports necessary to penalize your account remains the same, regardless of past penalties.

That support article is four years old and woefully out-of-date.


There is no miscommunication nor an explanation needed. If you join a BG, you must be actively participating.

There is no excuse you can give that allows you to sit in the cave and not participate. None. It’s not allowed.


What would you do then if the enemy team was farming your team? I’m generally curious. Because after getting farmed for a bit most horde players remained dead and waited for allies to leave Are you saying the entire horde bg team could be actioned for remaining dead?

You fully participate or you leave the BG so the team can get a replacement. Those are your only choices.

No, you’re trying to find any loophole or excuse to do what you want. There is none. You are required to participate in a BG, and if you don’t, you can (and will) be actioned which could reach a permanent ban.


You avoided the question. I’m not trying to find a loophole. I’m asking what you would do if you were being farmed. Your stance honestly doesn’t make sense. Yes I’ve seen serial offenders’ - people who afk in the cave week after week have their accounts banned. I looked up one such person in /who and found their character to be level 5, so I am assuming they got banned and had to make a new account. However, however, could you imagine the headache in the CS forum if every person who ever was in a bg and being farmed (and were just dead and standing around got banned?) People would either not do BG’s, make premades, or quit WoW altogether.

There is no question to answer. You must fully participate in a BG. Regardless of the circumstances, or what others are doing, or what you want to be able to do, you are violating the rules if you don’t participate.

That’s all. If your team is being camped at the GY and you don’t want to be a part of it, you leave the BG. You don’t sit back and not participate. That is against the rules.

It doesn’t matter what I would do, or what I think others should do. The rule is that you must be participating. That’s it. There’s no other discussion about it. There’s no excuse that makes it ok.

You are welcome to ask them to change this rule, but you would need to leave that suggestion in the PvP forums. You would also need a better reasoning beyond “I don’t like it and want to be able to play a different game”.


No it really isn’t. I have been playing for many years. I have never seen a single person get banned because they decided to remain dead while the enemy team had all gys and was farming the main gy, otherwise, again I would have been banned very early on in WoW, I played a little bit of the beginning of BFA where people had enchanted heirlooms and would twink at 19 and be put in with levelers. (before disabling leveling prevented you from playing with levelers in bgs) No one ever got banned, otherwise we’d be reading about it on reddit like we do with the people who say they traded gold between game versions with someone they didn’t know and got banned for rmt.

I feel like at this point you’re treating a BG like a job. “You’re on company time… werk werk…” I highly doubt Blizzard even if it was a super hard rule, would have the means to police every single person in every single BG to make sure they are participating the entire game. Your argument is kind of silly. I have seen plenty of AVs where allies are destroying horde and everyone just kind sits SHGY after bal/lts waiting for the game to be over.

Really not sure the purpose of this thread is but sounds like you want to argue/discuss - if that’s the case, post in general or pvp forums.


It got derailed. I wanted to delete the whole thread but couldn’t. Basically, the moral that I’ve learned from my silence is don’t be a jerk in chat and avoid vulgar language that could cause offense.

I’m not giving the enemy free honor sorry not sorry IF our main gy is being camped

Nope. They didn’t avoid the question, you avoided the answer.

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If your team is hopelessly overwhelmed, why wouldn’t you just leave?

15min deserter debuff. Although, sometimes I question whether it’s worth staying in the game. If it is a pattern of losses, I do sometimes take the debuff and go play something else.

However there are times in classic where AV and another bg are active, so if I still need to hit honor cap and it’s close to the end of the week I’ll switch to another bg and so can’t take a deserter debuff.

Then your choice is to leave the BG.

Yes, that is the consequence of leaving a BG. Also, the consequences of staying in a BG and not participating are account actions, which could lead to a permanent ban.

Doesn’t seem very smart to try to avoid a 15 minute debuff by risking suspensions and a ban. But these are the choices we make as humans. You make choices and you deal with the consequences.

Good luck to you.

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never happens. You think one of the thousands of streamers wouldn’t pick up on some random player getting banned for staying dead when being farmed? The only way your account gets actioned is if Blizzard keeps getting a notification that multiple are reporting a player for being afk in a BG. Not a single player on a losing team is reporting everyone at the gy who is being camped. Not in WSG, not in AV, not in AB. It does not happen.

Great. Keep thinking it never happens, or that it won’t happen to you.

We’ll see you back here in three weeks, or maybe three months, when you don’t understand why you got suspended for non-participation.

Good luck to you.

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Only. Takes. ONE. Report.

You’re very naive if you think it takes multiple reports before Blizzard reacts, or think it just doesn’t happen.

But again. What’s the point of this thread? You’re asking a question, then arguing the valid responses you’re getting - to what avail?

Are you after a discussion? take it to general.

Are you wanting to make a suggestion? either post in general, a pvp forum, or use the in-game feedback.

If you just want to continue arguing from your perspective - mind you, you seem to be talking like you know everyone who participates in PvP matches. Really? Everyone?

You can’t possibly know what happens in every, single match outside of what you participate in, what your close friends participate in and may share in conversation, or what you may view on streams (if you know my view on most streamers, take streaming with a grain of salt).

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And until Blizzard updates it, that’s their official stance.

This one isn’t difficult honestly. In fact if you follow these suggestions you should be fine

That’s part of the social contract, which is a nice way of reiterating the Code of Conduct.

Although not quoted, it does talk about the expectation of players participating in dungeons, and battlegrounds as well. I hope this is helpful