Question about Void Elf Mages

There’s not much lore around these guys yet, so I gotta wonder, did Void Elf mages give up all their Arcane magics, to go full Void or is The Void merely an enhancer?

Most Blood Elf mages are Fire Mages, so would a Void Elf be a fire mage who also uses void?

There doesn’t need to be lore to make it fit. Why can forsaken use holy magic to heal? It should burn them to ashes.


I saw another poster outline this long ago, but I think they put it best

Void elves are a vessel for the Void, not a conduit, for example Umbric is a Void Elf but he seems to be entirely a mage, as in he isn’t casting void fire or anything. While the void CAN empower attacks as shown with their racials it isn’t as you seem to be thinking. Think of them as empty, dark, edgy little pitchers that you can fill with whatever flavour of juice you please.

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I read that apparently it doesnt actually harm them, it just extremely painful

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And most of that pain is caused by the restored feeling the light provides if I’m not wrong.

This is the best answer to be honest.

I see it kinda like an Undead Mage in a lot of ways. Undead are part of the cosmic force of Death, but that doesn’t stop them from wielding incredible Arcane magics.

Kinda reminds me of Meryl Felstorm, the guy who kept a Dreadlord trapped inside of him, a Mage character.

Exactly, same with Lightforged, their bodies have become vessels for a particular force, but that doesn’t interfere with their ability to channel others forces.

Void Elf Priests must lead interesting lives…

The cold, lonely chill of the void lends surprisingly well to a VE Frost Mage.

Always disliked the idea “Oh Shadow Priest is the only logical Void Elf Class!”

Which its arguably one of the worst, considering its all about giving into insanity.

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Just temporarily, for the sake of power. Priests are strong precisely because they can tread that line and pull themselves back at the right moment.

Actually, the answer is quite a bit simpler:

I am actually a blood elf. I was taking a tour of a Goblin Food Products factory in Gadgetzan and accidentally slipped and fell into a vat of blue food coloring.

That coloring is tenacious. I can’t get it off me. It seems to be permanent!!! Due to my changed appearance I was kicked out of the Horde.

This is how all Void elves come to be. Those walkways at that goblin factory are VERY slippery. Definitely not OSHA-approved.


Would void elves even exist if we didn’t have devs who just like trolling the alliance playerbase? I have a bad memory but I don’t even remember seeing a void elf while questing through Azeroth.

So basically the Joker origin story. xD

Well that’s because Void Elves didn’t exist until BFA.

They were Blood Elves who in their experiments studying The Void, unleashed a Nether Prince Etheral by mistake, who attempted to turn them into other Etherals.

You The Alliance Hero and Alleria Windrunner cut this ritual sort, leaving these Blood Elves with new unintended forms.

Also gross! They regain their senses so they can taste and smell their rotting flesh and feel the maggots crawling in them!

That was also the Goldshire description.

Spot on.