Question about the Demon Hunter Flying Mount

Hi I am a returning player after a long absence, I am playing the Demon Hunter and am wondering how do I unlock the Demon Hunter flying mount, alot of information on google is either out of date or confusing or missing information. just curious what I need to do to get it

  1. Make sure you’ve fully completed the Demon Hunter starting quests including the ones when you get to Stormwind/Orgrimmar and have done “In the Blink of an Eye” to move Dalaran. (Skipping these may cause issues later on.)

  2. Complete the original part of the Order Hall Campaign. An NPC will track you down in Dalaran after you’ve turned in “In the Blink of an Eye” to get started with it. Sometimes it can help to run around about in the city to get it to pop. You can do steps 3 and 4 (and some of 5) while you’re doing the campaign.

  3. Unlock world quests by completing Uniting the Isles (required level 45). (If it doesn’t pop up automatically, Khadgar will have it in the Violet Citadel.) If it’s your first character through Legion, you’ll need to do the “hard” version* of the quest where you get to Friendly with each of the 5 zone factions. (If you’ve done it before, you’ll get the easy version which you can just turn right back in.)

  4. Once world quests are unlocked, go to Krasus’ Landing in Dalaran and Khadgar will have the quests Armies of Legionfall and Assault on the Broken Shore.

  5. Assuming you’ve never done Legion on a character before, you’ll need to complete the “Breaching the Tomb” achievement. (If you’ve done it before on a different character you only need to complete up to the “Champions of Legionfall” step.) You don’t need to do the dungeon or raid quests. The “Champions of Legionfall” step will only be available after you’ve completed the Order Hall stuff from step 2.

  6. Pick up Livin’ on the Ledge on the Broken Shore that will lead you to the quest to get your mount!

*If you need to do the “hard” version of Uniting the Isles, you can pick up the starter quests for Azsuna (Court of Farandis), Val’Sharah (Dreamweavers), Highmountain (Highmountain Tauren), and Stormheim (Valajar) from your order hall scouting map. The 4 “leveling” zone reps can be done starting at level 10. For Suramar (Nightfallen) Khadgar will have the quest Khadgar’s Discovery or Magic Message to start it. You need to be 45 to start Suramar.

thank you so so much, it helps a lot, i had been working on breaching the tomb the last couple days and was trying to figure out exactly what needed to be done so i started doing a lot, i managed to do uniting the isles last week cause i went and unlocked the nightbourn and to finish it i needed the world quests so i did uniting the isles, so its good I’m not too far off