Question about Shadowmourne Arena in original Wrath

I didnt play arena in original WOTLK. I am wondering how Shadowmourne was perceived then since it was most likely highly competitive back in the day. Clearly seeing it now there is no question that it is basically legalized cheating to give 3 classes an overwhelming advantage in gear. Obviously they would never put a Wrathful 284 legendary Axe in the arena vendor while making every other wep 277 because it would clearly be unfair. So was it a big deal with players back then? Was there much of an outcry against it?

I seem to remember more outcry about Stormherald / tbc warriors in general
There was this meme image of a Mace rogue (this spec was good in early tbc) on a stick, with a warrior swinging him around


You have to really consider that you wouldnt see this many smournes if they didnt accelerate the shard drops… you would probably see half or less than the many you currently see…

Most of it will change anyway… you will have mages, moonkin’s, locks with the legendary staff and on the last phase ROGUES with fangs of the father…

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You don’t actually do any arena, do you? I’ve seen the Bryntroll proc do 20% damage in 2’s. Shadowmourne is great on:

  • Warriors.

Paladins are playing Prot in 2’s, DK’s suck, and the one Ret I see in the top 100 in 2’s that actually plays as Ret is using Bryntroll.


Im 2.2 in 2’s and 2k in 3’s and 5’s. As a healer i can tell you that the damage that shadowmourne is putting out is unlike anything else that any other class can do. Is it better for warriors sure but to say that your gonna not use it on your DK or Ret is just silly honestly.

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Blizzard doesn’t care, and for once, it’s a positive, as this isn’t something to care about. The arena has far bigger problems, which sadly, they also didn’t give a crap about.

That isn’t even Bis for rogue in s11 arena. At that point hemo 1h is better than dagger build + DS has 1h axes that have an aoe damage proc, rogues just duelwield these and delete people. It’s the only time in cata pve items are used outside of the legendaries + DS trinkets.

Emphasis on this, noooo one had SM back in the day

You could almost call the ppl by name lol

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Oh yeah, 2k in 5’s eh? Post on your healer. I’ve been watching my friends play Prot Pally/Resto Sham and the only time the Sham has problems is when a SM Warrior is on him. I don’t even know if they’ve lost to an UH DK.

Ok, posting on my healer. Yes it is even more difficult in the hands of a warrior but you are missing the point in that giving a few classes a massive GS advantage in Arena seems like an odd choice. I know it was much harder to get originally but now they are handing them out like candy. UH Dk’s are a more welcome sight in arena however an UH DK with Shadowmourne /Gargoyle is capable of pumping out lots of burst damage.


prot pala rsham is the cringiest comp in existence
i got more hate whispers playing that than any other comp ever

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You asked and they delivered so I guess the time to pay the fiddler is here :grinning:

There are like ten times more shadowmournes now, and one tenth as many people who participate in arena, so yeah the density is astronomically higher. If you think that’s boring, or unfair, or whatever the reason(s), then I guess you just join the vast majority who didn’t bother to continue queueing; it’s assumed(correctly) that blizzard cares even less than the people who stopped queueing.

at the time, pvp weapons were mainly used in pvp.

there were no complaints about shdowmourne. The complains were mainly that shards dont drop in 10man and i shouldn’t be punished for not wanting to carry 15 other censoreds.

Loved that meme!

You don’t actually do any arena, do you?

Dk’s suck

U wot m8???

Oh I see how it is…

I make a comment about cheating in arena and you’re all over me…

But when someone else makes one like the OP here; right here, look…

You don’t have any kind of reply for the OP when he’s literally calling it legalized cheating?

Huh? Weak bait mate, that’s nothing to do with what I said. Also it’s not cheating, its an item in the game lol. It can be bad for the game, but it isn’t cheating. Words have definitions. :clown_face:

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I’m not the OP…

Why are you telling me that? Argue with the person that made the comment.

That was the point wasn’t it?

Someone else called out cheating in arena and you didn’t have anything to say on the matter.

Or is the OP right? He is; I agree with him, but why don’t you show some backbone and call them out instead of me who didn’t make that comment?


If it’s bad for the game, If it is well known, and it is, that it is bad for the game, and nothing is being done about it, and it creates an unfair system of competition…

That can be defined as cheating. Wouldn’t be the first time if you remember my GDKP topic. :sunglasses:

You’re siding with op but want to avoid confrontation about your shared opinions.

That’s not how this works.

I found something you’d be really great at. Have you considered participating in the mental gymnastics Olympics this year? You’d take home gold for sure.

Your rant is about a legendary item, which legendaries as a concept being used by players is a day one mechanic.

Items are like talents in this regard. There will always be something stronger, or a counter in some capacity. Just because you suck enough to be trained by shadowmourne wielding players does not create an unfair system of competition when the game, by design with its class system, in innately unbalanced to begin with when thinking of balance as a single scale. This is an intimate and in depth game, and balance is more fickle than just lowering or raising the TTK of a gun in cod. Shadowmourne is already, and has already, been in the balance discussion, just like glaives before it.

All you’ve done is show that you really don’t understand what you’re talking about, if you seriously come to the conclusion that equipping a legally acquired weapon from the game itself is now cheating, or even cheating adjacent.

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