Question about RFD(pvp topic)

I just wanna know if we remove the RFD, would it also affect battleground queue methods. Because in BC patch, twinks aren’t that pop. If we could queue warsong gulch outside while we are doing quests, I think it would be more helpful to 19s / 39s wsg, it would bring more players to join it. Appreciate for reply.

  • Sadly, they are NOT putting RFD in anyway.
  • RFD has nothing to do with PVP queuing system.
  • On that note they have sadly decided to allow XP locked players to join the general population PVP que.

I still think it’s going to be a mess and a lot of us won’t jump in BG’s

I agreed they decide to remove RFD for community. But I still heavily want to queue BGs anywhere as usual.
It brings people more methods to join the fight between factions. While they provide layers, it has lost so much fun in world pvp, now the last hope I expect on Wotlk has gone.

I didn’t say that.

We do not have confirmation, from what I can remember, if you can que BG’s from the UI or not.


Ok, I just checked the beta and you cannot que from the PVP tab. So, it’s not in. . yet?

I still cant queue from the PVP tab…
It hasn’t been added to UI yet, while pre-patch is now coming…
I can’t point out why they ignore players notice, and refuse to add that function to PTR.
Because we still need time to test whether it stable or not.