Question about resetting profession knowledge


So, I’m in the position where I think it’s going to be necessary to rest my profession knowledge points. I’m usually a ‘stick-to-it’ kind of person, but I am looking at my profession tree, and literally the only things that can level me up use Dusk/Dawnweave or Artisan’s Acuity.

My tailoring is at 66, by the way. I thought it would be smart for me to learn how to make bags first, but I didn’t realize there was going to be this bottleneck where I could not realistically advance my profession. I have no points in Threads of Devotion, so I can’t make the Consecrated Stuff. I can’t even open up the option to learn that , because that would take more skill points than I actually have to get there.

…this seems like a curious design for professions, where it is possible to run into this kind of situation. The word ‘counter-intuitive’ comes to mind.

From what I have seen when researching this, if you speak to the goblin in Dornogal, you can reset your knowledge points, but it also says recipes are unlearned. Before I do this, I need to ask:

Do they mean recipes learned just from the specializations, or do they mean all The War Within recipes?

Because while I don’t mind and understand losing the ability to make Duskweave bags? I would have an issue if I suddenly lost the ability to make one of the embroidered profession bags, or a rare boss drop.

If anyone has done this before, I would appreciate some advice. Largely because this is - for some baffling reason - a one-time option for your character; as opposed to something that would make sense, like, say, a week or month cooldown (probably increasing in time the more times you do it).

Again, would appreciate some guidance. Normally, I can just man up, but there’s a difference between something being ‘suboptimal’, and something being ‘breakable’. I fear I may have broken this…something that probably shouldn’t be possible.

Addendum: I don’t suppose you can use your own sparks for orders for others? I feel like you can’t, but I can’t recall.

Before you go off and undo your work, please consider Dawnthread Lining. The pattern sells for 15 g on the AH (although this is a server based commodity YMMV).

It takes 2 dawnweave bolt, 1 adorning ribbon, 6 spools of dawnthread. Spools are 7 g each. Bolts are 55 g each. Much cheaper to make than bags. They will stay yellow up to skill 89, and turn green at 90.

Also please check to see if you’ve got all the KP from various sources… You might be able to get to some gear in threads of devotion without disturbing anything. There are 2 one time treasures in each (original) zone, which gives 24 KP total. You can buy 10 kp for kej in azj-kahet, city of threads. You can buy 3x 10 kp for acuity at the Artisans consortium. You can buy 10 kp from the undermine cartels at renown 16.

Tailoring is the most annoying profession to level. I agree, it doesn’t have a nice smooth path to 100 like other professions. I complained about this in beta and they ignored me… sigh.

But to answer your questions:

  1. Yes you will lose any recipes learned from the tree, including duskweave and dawnweave bags since those are in From Dawn to Dusk
  2. You would NOT lose any recipes learned from patterns or renown or boss drops. E.g. if you purchased the pattern Hideshaper’s workbag for kej, you’d still have access to that recipe.
  3. Sparks. You can use you own spark for your own crafts. You can have your alts send you personal orders with their sparks. People can order from you using their sparks. However you cannot donate your spark to anyone else.

Hope that helps /cheers

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Snaps fingers dramatically with realization, like someone from one of those shows in the 50s

Of course! The Auction House! What a fool I was!

So, as for some background? I tend to be hugely self-sufficient. I make alts for professions. This is helpful sometimes, but it also sometimes makes me overlook obvious solutions.

It is a bad solution (because leveling tailoring is designed poorly), but it is still an obvious one.

I will have you know that I did exactly what you suggested. I got some dawnweave from the auction house, and made a bunch of those linings. I put a few up on the AH, but…I didn’t really care if they sold. The important thing is that I was able to get the 9 points needed to unlock the next specialization.

Consecrated stuff uses sparks, but I have, like…a bunch of those left over from old stuff. I’ll just make some cloaks and vendor them.

So, thank you for that.

It wasn’t the knowledge points. It was the raw tailoring skill. You can’t unlock the 4th specialization tab until you have 75 base tailoring points. I still had a bunch of KP I hadn’t spent, but it was all for dawn/dusk items, or just getting better at tailoring overall.

For things I could actually make to improve the raw score, it was stuff that took ages to farm. With enchanting, blacksmithing, engineering, and inscription? It’s kind of tedious, but I know if I sit down and devote the time to getting resources, I can see how to level. Dusk/dawn stuff is like a rare drop, and in small portions, at that.

That sucks. They really should have listened to you. I shouldn’t feel like I have to use the Auction House on my tailor, the only who can even gather cloth.

That’s why I was confused. Because it seemed like such an obvious oversight that there’s not a boring path to the end.

It did. It legitimately did. So, again.

Thank you.

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Strongly recommend to not do that! The thing with spark gear is that it last the WHOLE expansion. Make a variety of items instead. You never know if in S4 you will not need a cloak/belt/wrist/etc to patch in a hole in your gear.

Take a look at the patron orders also. I would be greatly surprised if there isn’t already a spark item listed you can make to give you a nice +3 skill boost.

Oh. No, to clarify, I meant, like, with old sparks. The season 1 sparks. Omens, I think, off the top of my head. I kind of never got around to using them, and then new season, and…well…just a bunch of sparks gathering dust.

I’ll look into the patron orders, again. Though Milhouse Manastorm always wants things, but never provides anything. I am low-key impressed with his consistency.

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