So, I’m in the position where I think it’s going to be necessary to rest my profession knowledge points. I’m usually a ‘stick-to-it’ kind of person, but I am looking at my profession tree, and literally the only things that can level me up use Dusk/Dawnweave or Artisan’s Acuity.
My tailoring is at 66, by the way. I thought it would be smart for me to learn how to make bags first, but I didn’t realize there was going to be this bottleneck where I could not realistically advance my profession. I have no points in Threads of Devotion, so I can’t make the Consecrated Stuff. I can’t even open up the option to learn that , because that would take more skill points than I actually have to get there.
…this seems like a curious design for professions, where it is possible to run into this kind of situation. The word ‘counter-intuitive’ comes to mind.
From what I have seen when researching this, if you speak to the goblin in Dornogal, you can reset your knowledge points, but it also says recipes are unlearned. Before I do this, I need to ask:
Do they mean recipes learned just from the specializations, or do they mean all The War Within recipes?
Because while I don’t mind and understand losing the ability to make Duskweave bags? I would have an issue if I suddenly lost the ability to make one of the embroidered profession bags, or a rare boss drop.
If anyone has done this before, I would appreciate some advice. Largely because this is - for some baffling reason - a one-time option for your character; as opposed to something that would make sense, like, say, a week or month cooldown (probably increasing in time the more times you do it).
Again, would appreciate some guidance. Normally, I can just man up, but there’s a difference between something being ‘suboptimal’, and something being ‘breakable’. I fear I may have broken this…something that probably shouldn’t be possible.
Addendum: I don’t suppose you can use your own sparks for orders for others? I feel like you can’t, but I can’t recall.