Question About PVP and how to help

Why don’t you believe me though? What reason would I even have to lie?

You’re sure of what?

Because i have my own personal experience that detracts from your beliefs.

This is the internet, you dont need a reason to lie

That’s not even how that works. Your personal experiences don’t change facts.

Exactly so why would i waste my time with that?

They didn’t agree with it. Again, wtf would be the point of lying?

You saying them to me, doesnt make them facts. Unless i’m shown proof you did something innocent, and then were lied about, they’re just your words, and my personal experiences overrule those words.

Why would anyone? They still do even if we dont know why, You’re just someone on the internet to me, you dont have any clout, and this means imo you’re just as capable of lying as any other rando, or just being wrong, or any other thing…

Oh i believe the didnt agree with it. I believe they kicked you out, I dont believe they’re liars and i dont believe its innocent.

This thread really got derailed :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Unfortunately that thread is gone.

Then why waste your time telling me not to “talk bad” about people?

So you believe having a differing opinion is “not innocent”?

They always do.


It was a joke line. I referred to someone who i don’t think particularly cares for me as “my buddy”

I like Bob, You said things i didnt agree with, that was my sorta way of jumping in and being like, hey you’re wrong.

I believe theres a reason you havent said what it is and keep referring to it as having a different opinion or as something they dont agree with.

i heard a few stories while i was with them, and am vaguely associating this one with one in particular i know. If theyre the same story i know exactly why you wouldnt say what it is.

if it was just “I dont like black coffee” “Wow you’re kicked from the group” You’d have just said that. (obviously its nothing so silly).

Thats what makes me think its not innocent.

Quite what? I honestly wish I had taken screen shots.

That’s your choice, but calling me a liar for no reason isn’t cool.

Because it’s not something you can’t talk about on the forums. I would gladly tell you otherwise.

I highly doubt it was anything truthful.

Having a differing opinion isn’t anything, it’s simply having a differing opinion.

Its quite unfortunate :expressionless:

Saying i dont believe you isnt the same as saying you’re a liar.
I don’t believe a lot of what i read online, that doesnt mean everyone who speaks is a malicious liar.

i have no reason to believe otherwise.

Depends on what that opinion is on. Black coffee is one thing, murder (for wild example) is another

What?.. If you don’t believe someone you think they aren’t telling the truth.

Because you only have one side of the story. You are biased.

Sure, but it’s still simply a differing opinion. You seem to know what it was about do you or do you not?

Or they’re just wrong? or they got some bad information, or they remembered it poorly, or they’re running on pure emotions. Lots of things can be wrong without being a lie.

Pot kettle.

But i’ve not denied that. I blatantly said you had no chance of changing my mind on this. I’ve been in discord calls and shared good times with them. I got to know them as people and one of them had a lasting impact on my life. I wont be convinced they’re bad people.

As i said earlier, i’ve heard stories, I dont know anything, im just “vaguely associating” what i remember with what you’re saying now.

but if it is that story, thats no simple “difference of opinion”

Same applies you still think I am not speaking the truth.

Incorrect. It’s my story I can’t have biased.

That’s on you then. That doesn’t make me a liar. Just simply makes you biased.

Why are we even wasting our time with this when you already admitted nothing will change your mind? That’s a really bad way to look at things.

If you think that it’s just more proof, they are probably lying. They won’t ever admit it though and you have been very blatantly about not believing anything anyways. So good luck with that. Don’t reply to me please, I don’t want anything to do with you if you are going to associate with them. Thank you.

i mean, sure, but you were saying i called you a liar. i was not.

Yes you can? In fact its more likely to be biased because its your story.

again, never said you were a liar.

I’m on an overnight shift at work, i’m just talking you’re free to stop responding.

I dont associate with anyone anymore.

Consider this my last reply on the topic.

Dude cries about me mentioning my Honor Level - and you two derailed an entire thread. Blizzard needs to remove this section altogether. It’s just the same five people bickering back and forth… until they get the final word. It’s laughable. Nothing said in this section gets seen by anyone in charge (Thank God) - and no changes that go through are due to any suggestions in here.

IF you really want to be seen - log on ‘‘X’’ and send actual feedback to @BlizzardCS. They read every single tweet - and have even assisted me. You can also use the in-game suggestion tool - believe it or not - every suggestion gets read by a real human being. But I’m sure most of you would rather just complain.

I love that you are claim to be glad blizzard doesn’t see these then at the same time tell the people you clearly don’t want blizzard to listen to, to go to X and @ blizzard. Also, not a single person “cries” about your honor level. We just laugh that you are so obsessed with a pointless number that means nothing other than time played.

I know the majority of you are just here to complain - because nobody offline will give you any attention. But I figure the two people that might actually care about improving the game will go to @BlizzardCS.

It’s a win win for me.

Interesting thing to say.

Lots of people care about improving the game, just because people don’t agree with you doesn’t mean they don’t care about the game.

Listen, I’m not Hirav - I’m not going to sit here for the next 8 hours trying to get the last word. I actually plan on going in game and increasing my ridiculously high Honor Level (2,464.)

So, for the final time - If ANY of you want your feedback read… use the In-game suggestion tool. Yes, they DO read suggestions… or go to ‘‘X’’ and send feedback to @BlizzardCS.

BlizzardCS is not only helpful with in game problems… but also read every tweet.

If you want to inflate your post counts - talk to Hirav or Celinthia.


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Oh, I’m looking threw it now, most of their responses are “we are looking into it” or “make a bug report”.

Ahh yes because talking about the game in the games forums is a bad thing now. I guess we should all talk about our pointless honor levels instead. Such a hypocrite you are.

I’m for it at this point. It will solve many problems. Faction pride is nice, but realistically with how all other modes are cross-faction, and there is no longer PvP realm community, it doesn’t feel the same anymore.

I feel like nowadays it’s more about personal pride more than anything. What is your rating, what you HK count, what is your honor level, etc.

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