Question About PVP and how to help

For the love of all that is holy can we get factionless pvp in Random BGs?

I think this would help queue times across the board, and potentially keep people playing longer.

What are your thoughts?

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It would also allow better healer distribution and disrupt queue syncing.


If blizzard really wanted to fix queue syncing they would disable party sync for RBG queues. Party sync is the culprit for all of the max levels in lower level BGs. I think what blizzard should do is have a backfill system. If you join a match in progress you will be put in front of the next queue you join after the backfill match ends. I dislike having my queue pop as a healer and the game ends in three seconds, and then queue for another six minutes.

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All for it. Cross faction full stop. No need to change players racials or visuals, still be your character, and fight for your teams honor.

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That’s not what queue syncing is.

Queue syncing is when you get multiple 5 man groups into the same instance.

Party syncing is its own kettle of fish.

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It is, people exploit a loophole to get multiple groups in. Hence why lots of people are wondering why it’s being allowed. It’s killing randoms.

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This is what most of us wanted. I have no idea why Blizzard chose the grouping route.

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Honestly most people said they didn’t want cross faction from what I have seen. Mostly because everyone knew blizzard would mess it up and it wouldn’t fix anything.

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From lore its jacked up didnt want it either

Ya faction war has been the cornerstone of the game sense the beginning. Idk why that needs to change.

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Faction War died when they removed PvP servers. The game is slowly dying - and it’s going to get worse in season 2… which might be the worst PvP season this game has ever seen.

Most people just want to play the game… queue times are terrible. My Horde characters are getting about 2 minute queues… My Alliance queues are up to 10 minutes.

We have Cross Faction everything else… and a few people are still holding onto a fictional war that the majority of people no longer care about.

Hence why people where against that.

So how is making it worse going to help?

It hasn’t helped that people are exploiting and chasing people away, on top of blizzard never fixing anything. Adding cross faction to a low pop game isn’t going to do squat.

Cross faction everything else has been a buggy mess that only pve’s care about. Not a good excuse anymore.

Seriously, dude, I’m not responding to you anymore. Every single issue with the game comes down to the same thing - ‘‘premade communities ruined PvP.’’ No. They didn’t… terrible designers did.

You guys see the tier set changes?

the upcoming patch notes?


Wait until you see the garbage in action come season 2.

Did you fail to comprehend what I put? I said on top of other things they are not helping. Also, they absolutely did ruin pvp. They made epics borderline unplayable, they are a problem that needs to be removed from the game.

yes and horde queue can be bad because of the Win loss ratio is terriblke on horde

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Cross faction unrated BGs would be fine with me.

It was fun for a little bit, but then you realize he’s not all there. I started to feel a little bad. Now I chuckle when I see hidden replies after I post all the time, even though he knows I blocked him he just keep replying :joy:

Do you go back and read them anyways? I always find myself clicking hidden reply button, but im probably the cat that curiosity killed

I was waiting out for Blizz (?) to drop the price on TWW but now that they have and considering all this ‘factionless’ hoo haa going around on the forums I think im just gonna let my sub run out.
Blizz (?) actually loves me, I basically pay money to read and post on their forums, i dont trouble any servers…LOL

He talks about me more then I even thing about him LOL I only respond to the one’s he talks about me in, he still thinks about me clearly, must come with being exposed as a liar.