Question about mousovers and tooltips

Decided to brush off my priest and give healing a try, and i’m having trouble getting my UI just right.

I tried clique for click-cast on unitframes, but i didn’t like how it messed up some things when i wanted to click cast a flash heal with left click, but still wanted to be able to click enemies on my screen to target them.

then i tried some mouseover macros, and while they are useful, they aren’t quite what i’m lookin for.

is it possible wtihin blizzard’s API to make a tooltip appear, anchored to the cursor, and set it to display what spells are bound to a given click, and change what is displayed based on the modifier you hold down?

so like i’d like to set it up so that left click is flash heal, middle click is renew, and right click is heal. then i would put three other spells on those mouse buttons that were to be cast by holding down shift to click.

ideally, i would want the tooltip to show three icons for flash heal, renew, and middle click, in a triangle formation for intuitive and fast affirmation of which spell i’m gonna cast with what click, and then if i hold down shift, change that display to the other three spells in use with the modified clicks,.

does that make sense? i’m not the best explainer…

Makes sense but I’m not aware of an addon that does this currently. You could probably set something up with WeakAuras.

You should be able to configure Clique to only interact with certain frames, leaving the standard interactions intact on the rest. Alternatively, you could use VuhDo instead.

i don’t think weakauras can change something that is displayed when holidng down a modifier key.

basically i use mouse buttons 1 through 4, and then again with shift+ and alt+ modifiers. i want to set up a tooltip or a box to show which spells i have set based on if i’m holding down a modifier key or not.

the intent is so that when i mouseover a unitframe, the tooltip shows [Flash heal][Renew][Heal] as buttons in order, with whatever i have set to button 4 below them. sort of a quick visual reference and reminder of which spell i have bound to those clicks.

then, if i’m holding shift, it shows the other set of spells on the clicks, and the same for alt and ctrl

the functionality for the click-casting i’ve already figured out. i can bind any click behavior i wnat with the various addons already established

what i want is a tooltip to display which clicks are bound, and i want it to change depending on context of if i’m holding down the modifier button at the time. sort of like a visual cheat sheet on my screen because i have difficulty memorizing which spells are bound to what clicks. the only other option i’ve come up with so far is to draw a mouse diagram on a post-it note and stick it to my screen