For Subtlety, why does Hero Rotation constantly suggest Rupture instead of Eviscerate?
I dont recommend using it. Do a Quick Sim of your toon. Your rotation will be right there. Sub has minimal rng to the rotation and youre mostly doing the same thing every time.
I ran the sim. From about 1 minute in to 1:30, it has 8 ruptures. Later on it seems to alternate between rupture and eviscerate.
I assume it has something to do with Danse Macabre. It seems so counterintuitive when I’ve played Assassination for so many years.
www.raidbots com/simbot/report/ubyUzYxLa818PoYvA61NER)
I see what you are referring to. The Sim overwrites rupture in this case to hold the Coup de Grace for Shadow Dance. Most of the time, you wont need to do this because that time frame can be used to do mechanics or dot up secondary targets.
Let me make sure I follow. The rotation helper is suggesting I use Rupture because it’s holding Coup de Grace. Even if that means using Rupture several times in a row.
You’re saying I should ignore the request for rupture unless I’m dotting another target? Or if Shadow Dance is about to be available? for Coup de Grace.
If that’s the case, could I just pool energy for a few seconds?
Yes. If i get close to capped id use BP before Rupture as well.