Question about dailies/tamers (returning player)

tl;dr Are non-shadowlands dailies/tamers/world quests worth doing for items/xp or anything anymore, other than achievements?

I used to be suuuuuper into pet battles, but took the tail end of Legion and most of BfA off…and I’ve been too intimidated to get back into it. I want to change that.

I have everything unlocked I believe, but I’m curious how the old dailies work now since world quests replaced them. Are the old Pandaria/WoD circuits still something to do these days, either for XP or whatever items the bags drop? I’ve honestly forgotten what was in them at this point. I also heard they’re account dailies now, not character dailies, so I only need to take one character around now? (Were they always that way? I swear I remember taking multiple alts through Pandaria…but my memory admittedly isn’t 100%.)

Then was Legion when world quests came up, and continued in BfA and of course Shadowlands. So those rewards seem fairly straightforward? You get what the world quest says…and nothing if the trainer doesn’t have a world quest for the day? Or do you still get items or XP even if they don’t have a world quest?

I still need to finish up Family Familiar, Fighter and Battler. I heard that some of them are repeatable all day every day like the trainers for Family Exorcist in Shadowlands, but not all of them?

I’m just like aaaaaaaaah so much to do and so much has changed I don’t even know how anything works anymore. Oh, and what the heck are pet battle dungeons? :rofl:

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Yes, but only when you’re going to level up a batch of pets. For example, this is pet week, so it’s VERY worth doing all the WoD and MoP dailies for leveling. Unless you’re after a particular reward, however, it’s not worth doing them all…daily.

I check the BfA zones and SL zones every day (including Mechagon, Naz’Jatar, corrupted Uldum, and corrupted Valley) b/c those drop current pet currency rewards. Those are the only pet dailies I do on a daily basis. The older ones are still there and available for family achieves and such.

I bumped a thread a couple days back about the WoD rotation for leveling pets, and you can do the same thing with the MoP dailies for leveling pets. They’re extremely useful for that, and the rewards you get are still useful aside from just the pet xp.

If you get back into it and have questions, just ask. This is a very kind forum.

The Legion quests are not something I do beyond achievement hunting, but I still do the WoD and MoP rotations on a semi-regular basis, and especially during pet week.

Oh, those are FUN! And you get some really great rewards from those, too. You should definitely get into those. YT videos are out about them, and they’re better than anything I could type here. But definitely do them. Great pets from doing that.

Here’s the thing: You can do these whenever one of them is up as a WQ. If they’re up as a WQ, you go there and AS LONG AS you stay in the zone, you can continue to try over and over. The following link is to Xu-Fu Pet Battle Strategies home page, and you can look at updated strategies people use for all of the family challenge fights.


Ah, thank you for this! I have all of the pet rewards and stuff from MoP/WoD, so knowing those are there just for good XP is a blessing to know. I have two and a half expansions worth of pets to go catch and level, so I’ve quite the journey ahead of me to get caught up. I didn’t miss any limited time pets from events or feats of strength in that time off the top of your head, did I?

I’ll definitely look up some videos for the dungeons. I assume I can just search for ‘pet battle dungeons’ on youtube and find some good how-tos? (Like, I legit don’t even know how many there are, if you have to unlock them, how they work, nada, lol!)

I LOVE Xu-Fu and use Rematch too for the one-two punch of knocking out any battle that might be tricky. I think I have all the pets for the family achievement fights too, I just need to…well, import the teams and go actually DO the battles.

This overlooks a secondary benefit of the Trainers, they’re great for leveling alts while leveling pets. And the XP the alts are getting doesn’t cut into their Rested time.


There were the collector’s edition pets for Legion, BfA, and Shadowlands, of course, and there was at least one and maybe two WoW anniversary pet/s for logging in on the anniversary.

I don’t know of any others, but as I’m relatively new to battle pets as well (given I only started at the end of BfA), I could have missed some important stuff. The pet journal will have all those answers, though. I just sort by expansion and go one by one through the pets I don’t have. You can filter for ones that are no longer available, too.

Ah, that goes back to one of my other questions. Can you do the Pandaria/WoD tamer daily quests once per day TOTAL for your whole account, or are they normal dailies that you can do on every character? And I guess secondly, are there any tamers or whatnot that you can repeat for XP? Like, I know Squirt in the garrison is good for pet XP, but I don’t think she gives character XP anymore for exactly that reason?

I don’t plan to level alts exclusively through pet battling or anything, but if I can also get a few character levels while grinding out pet XP vs just doing it on my main, that sounds way more efficient haha!

It’s once a day per account. Multiple WoW accounts linked to same account are considered the same person as far as pets go.

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Don’t forget that some Legion tamers are repeatable and give good pet and alt exp. Odrogg in highmountain is one of my favorites…super fast . Some of the Dalaran ones have good quick strats too (though stick to the “tamer” battles there for good pet exp). I frequent Odrogg, Robert Craig, Sir Galvaston, and a few others that I can’t remember off the top of my head.

You do need to bring bandages, but they are super easy to get.

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Good to know. I’ll make sure to choose a non-60 alt to go do those on then, thank you!

Is there a good resource to find which Legion ones are repeatable vs not? Are those only available to battle on the day their world quest is up (and as a result only available to level 45+ alts who have unlocked the Legion WQs), or can I go out anytime on an alt of any level?

I know the Shadowlands tamers are always available and repeatable, since I actually did the Shadowlands family familiar achievement, but I did them all on max level characters so I have no idea if they give XP or not…and I have no idea how anything pet related works in BfA areas since I was basically AFK most of that expansion.

Goodness I feel so nooby asking these questions.

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Xu-Fu’s has a widget on the front page that will let you know what repeatable tamer is up for the day. As a general rule, though, it’ll be all the Family fight tamers except Durian.

Yes, for Legion they are only repeatable on the day their WQ is up. However, if you can get a sub-45 alt to the tamer, they will be available to battle even without WQs unlocked. I usually save any sub-45s for the repeatable Dalaran tamers.


Doing a SL trainer on days it’s a WQ gives your alt same XP they get from the other WQs. You can do them on off-days too, and repeatably, but seems to only give alt about 1/6 of that XP.

Originally leveling pets with SL trainers gave them the same crap XP as Legion and BfA. A patch or two back, though, Blizzard un-nerfed that quite a bit. Still nothing like what the pet would get with Draenor or PandaLand trainers, but it helps. One-pet trainer teams like Rascal and Nightfang and Jawbone are worth doing with a with a fairly high leveler.

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That is brilliant! I rarely visit the front page, and I had no idea that’s what the “active legion quests” meant, since there is always more than one legion pet WQ up when I look. Thanks SO much for clarifying that!

Admittedly, I assumed the powerleveling guide was out of date since it didn’t mention BfA or Shadowlands stuff at all. It’s still so strange to me that the current best way to level pets is to go back 2-3 expansions and do that content instead of current content…ah well. Fingers crossed for Dragonflight I suppose!

And thank you so, so much for all of the help. I feel so much better equipped to level pets again than I did a few days ago, and honestly it’s such a relief.