Question about converting Survival to a tank

Just a question for the forum. I love my hunter, but I’m far from being a hunter main. How would the Hunter community react if survival was converted to tank?

Not asking your opinion IF it would happen, its highly unlikely. Just asking if it did happen, how would you feel?

never got the appeal. why would i tank when my pet has always been able to tank for me?


I’d be sad because a well geared survival shreds as dps, but I’d be happy to have an alternative to Queue. I think having the first tank w/ a constant pet can get interesting.


Interested in a pet class that can tank, but make it a new spec or class. Leave melee SV as is.


make marksmanship the tank


Honestly, since RSV is gone and they have no plans to bring it back, I wouldn’t mind at all. Might even be excited about it.

You don’t play it, or main it, so theres no real reason to remove a dps spec for a tank spec, its not something thats ever been done. Historically its only happen to feral druids and they just divided them and made them separate, and that when there was already a defined role for tanks within the feral tree.

There is no defined role for tanks within sv, even in solo content BM’s pets are much tankier than SV.

If they did make a hunter spec, it would be a trap master focusing on using traps and other methods to slow and control mobs. The whole trap master part of survival has mostly been removed as it is.

Every spec, one healer, one dps, and one tank spec.

MM healing: shoots darts that heal allies.

BM DPS: only need to press one button to do your full rotation.

SV Tank: Runs at target with dynamite strapped to them.

Look, I’m not looking to piss off marksman, blizzard did that enough.