Question about Combust rotation in PvP

When I’m combusting, and I have a heating up, a pyro already in flight, and the GCD ready, should I wait for the pyro to hit, or should I throw a PF as well?

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You should wait, as you have limited charges of Fire Blast and PF and should not overlap them with Heating Up that is about to turn into Hot Streak from the Pyroblast itself.

There are also 2 major Combustion rotations in PVP:

  1. Maximum sustained damage that also auto-manages Infernal Cascade for Combustion duration, works best with decent (25%+) amount of Haste to make FB recharge in time:
    FB → FB → Pyroblast → PF → Pyroblast → FB (3rd charge) → Pyroblast → PF → Pyroblast → FB (recharged) → Pyroblast → PF (3rd charge) → Pyroblast
  2. Maximum burst damage, but Infernal Cascade falls off at 6-7th second of Combustion:
    FB → FB → Pyroblast → FB (3rd charge) → Pyroblast → PF → Pyroblast → PF → Pyroblast → FB (recharged) → Pyroblast → PF (3rd charge) → Pyroblast

Hope this helps!

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Another question is can I bust with no heating up or hot streak or is the ideal to have a heating up, cast fireball, then FB, pyro, bust?

Depends on what leggo and 50 talent you are playing.
If you play Disc Command + Meteor, you should use Frostbolt to activate DC, drop Meteor, pop Combustion (try to do all that before Frostbolt hits, this will make it a guaranteed crit as well) and do the rotation.
If you play Disc Command + Kindling, you should use Frostbolt to activate DC, pop Combustion while it is travelling to the target (this makes it also auto-crit and with its PVP damage modifier it hits quite decently) and do the rotation.
If you play Triune Ward + Kindling / Meteor, you can skip Frostbolt cast, but you should pop Triune Blazing Barrier before activating Combustion to provide some dispel protection and I would still recommend casting Frostbolt first - it snares enemy and makes it harder for him to escape from your Combustion.

I do not recommend casting Fireball before Combustion unless there is only 1 enemy and he is CC-ed - if anyone kicks your Fireball cast, your Combustion is weakened (you cannot use Fire spells and just waste several seconds of its duration) or delayed for several seconds, which is also not good if you try to quickly focus somebody alongside your teammates.