Question about account merge

Lets say i have my main wow account that i play, and then i have an old wow account in another battlenet account, that old account has a rare transmog and the actual item in bag but souldbound, from what i can read at the wiki about transfer, the mounts, transmogs will not transfer, however, the itens in bag will, so, in that case, i will be able to equip the item again and get the transmog on my main account ?

First off, just to be clear, there’s not really any sort of “account merge” feature. You could pay to simply transfer the character from one account to another and yes, as long as the item is in the character’s bags, it should transfer over just fine.

Things that would stay behind are mounts, pets, account-bound achievements (which are most) and items only in your wardrobe.

While you can ask that Blizz move a whole wow account from one to another, in this case you only really want one character and their inventory.

I do believe that re-equipping the item should indeed add it to your transmog list.


Correct. If you have the physical item on the character, not just a character that has an item transmog’d with that appearance, it would be able to be added to your collection assuming you were able to move that WoW license onto your current account.