is hands down the worst experience in the game, when quests tell you to collect 10 things, i shouldn’t have to kill no more than 10 mobs, and don’t tell they do it to help with earning experience or to help spread out the player base, these are BS excuses, also if i have to mouse over every single object in an area to find the clickable object, the person who has designed that quest did something majorly wrong. also stop it with the stay awhile and listen BS, i do not care about the story, i know some people do, and those people that care can stay awhile and listen all they want, just make the quest marker pop up so i can continue to the next phase of the quest. now that i said my peace all of this will go unheard from the devs and they will continue to keep questing the same because this is how it has always been done, and this is how it will always be done