Received Ony head in anniversary classic, handed quest in after a day of AV grinding forgot i had auto accept/complete on and Ony quest auto accepted giving me tank trinket on a rogue… instead of the neck. Multiple GMS have said there if nothing that can be done as they dont want others to be at a disadvantage. The only person at a disadvantage is me, in this faster cadence and limited time i do not have the time to re roll and get a new head. All im asking is to swap items for the correct item that i was meant to receive, QoL changes where u can swap items like the BFD quest trinket in SOD would be greatly received by the community to protect mess ups like this when they happen.
The only reason im here is after 5 tickets GMs have told be to report it as a bug and to post on forums for any chance to get it changed, as their hands are tied.