Quest Turn In Macro Help

Years ago I found a quest turn in macro that helped with the argent tournament quests - it would select the quest, choose the reward, and turn the quest in. After coming back and starting to work on the argent tournament dailies again I’ve noticed that it only partially works now. If you’re on the quest page it will still select the quest reward and turn the quest in, but if say the quest giver has multiple quests it won’t select one to get to the quest page, you have to manually select a quest. Anyone have an idea how to get it to select the quest? Here’s the macro:

/script C_GossipInfo.SelectAvailableQuest(1)
/script C_GossipInfo.SelectActiveQuest(1)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward(2)
/script C_GossipInfo.SelectOption(2)
/script AcceptQuest()

/run if C_GossipInfo.GetNumActiveQuests() > 0 then C_GossipInfo.SelectActiveQuest(C_GossipInfo.GetActiveQuests()[1]["questID"]) CompleteQuest() GetQuestReward(2) elseif C_GossipInfo.GetNumAvailableQuests() > 0 then C_GossipInfo.SelectAvailableQuest(C_GossipInfo.GetAvailableQuests()[1]["questID"]) AcceptQuest() ConfirmAcceptQuest() end

or just use an addon like

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Thanks for replying! I just tried it but it doesn’t work, gives me a lua error

It’s over 255 chars. So, unless you’re using an addon, you won’t be able to copy/paste all of it. Hence the addon.

So i went and checked out the addon through the link you posted. It says it doesn’t work on quests with more than one reward, there’s like 4 argent tourny dailies where you have to choose a reward (hence the 2 in the GetQuestReward(2), you want the second reward)

Ya, it doesn’t auto-pick a reward if there’s more than 1 so you don’t pick something you don’t want.

So you can either grab an addon like BindPad that let’s you make > 255 char macros


tweak Questomatic; Core.lua add this after line 336


I don’t really recommend the Questomatic route as it works with all quests so you could potentially screw yourself.