Quest tracker only showing 2 on screen

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CATA classic, only two quests show on the tracker even though it says objectives 8 or so. Its very annoying. I have everything checked correctly.


I’m having the same issue, and it’s not an addon problem either. I’ve disabled everything and still having this issue!

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Same here. I tried disabling addons as well. Very inconvenient

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Same… and I’ll add that the two quests showing are displaying under the right action bars on the right side of the screen partially obscuring them. I unchecked all tracking and rechecked then for a few minutes I got three to show up, but back to two again. Addons disabled.

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Same issue here. No add ons, and I exited and restarted. Still only shows two.

I have/had this problem as well. I installed the ‘moveany’ addon and moved the quest tracker from behind the two side action bars, now I have the previous full view of the quest list.