Hopefully this gets fixed soon. Its quite irritating for my entire quest tracker to get deleted upon logging out.
I mean it’s easy to re-track quests. just open your map and click em. the achievements are annoying to try to re-track because honestly I track them so I don’t have to remember them
edit: the issue is still present.
Restarting the Battle.net launcher as Administrator didn’t do a thing.
Still going on. Fix it already, Blizz…
In addition to quests, achievement tracking is being removed as well.
Same…hopefully this gets addressed soon
Yup, same here. Logged in last night, quests were gone. I added them back and the quest box was more centered than it had been, so I had to edit the UI to move them out of the way.
Logged in this morning, gone again.
Okay, apparently it’s not just me then. Noticed this last night and it’s been happening every time. It’s so annoying though. I hope they fix it asap
Quests and achievements still being wiped as of now.
So annoying!
Came to post a “same here” reply. Disabled addons, uninstalled addons, reset my UI (which caused a whole different world of pain) to no avail. Quests disappear from the Objective Tracker on log out.
C’mon Blizz, you’ve known about this for some time (I know 'cause I filed a Bug Report). Where’s the fix?
Has there been a fix to this? My quest log just no longer exists. It will randomly pop back up when I finish a dungeon, but then disappears again after any loading screen…Found this thread from JULY and really hoping there’s a fix by now… knowing Blizz, I’m guessing no…