Quest: The Lightforged. No stormwind embassy beacon

Trying to unlock Lightforged Dranei. The stormwind beacon does not show up for quest “The Lightforged”


Quest is broken. Submitting tickets and reporting the bug apparently leads to nothing. Ive been told via a ticket response that no bug reports have been made and the quest is also working as intended….SMFH.

The beacon in SW is in the back of the embassy area last time I checked. I hope this helps.

Its only there when the quest chain is completed. After any of the allied quests are completed the “portals” to those areas show up back there. When you are starting the quest for the first time it is not there. In fact is not showing up ANYWHERE. The quest is broke and has been since the pre patch rolled out.

Verifying that it’s still not showing up.
I saw a video posted four days ago in the comments section of the Wowhead page for the quest (Heritage of the Lightforged).
The vidoe shows a glowing/highlighted Draenei NPC standing just to the left of the mailbox in front of the Stormwind Embassy who transports you to the Vindicaar for the quest.
He is also not showing up now, though.
No beacon and no NPC.