So, this is what happened. I was doing my campaign quest for landfall in the part where you use Voljin’s Hearthstone and gets transported to Durotar. But, somehow, while I was escorting Thrall, he bugged and disappeared, so I had to leave the quest to get him again, but I was summoned to the Raid i was queued, and now I can’t get back to Durotar (because i’m leaving pandaria and get summoned back) and I am not able to get the quest anywhere else.
Yup same here. I tried abandoning the quest and it just put me in a worse situation. I submitted a ticket and Blizzard’s response was basically:
“Yeah we’re really busy right now, have you tried googling it? You should check out wowhead they’re so helpful!”
Embarrassing response. Even better when its blocking an achievement needed to buy certain transmogs.
Pretty much the same thing happened to me but I’m stuck in pandaria and the quest is in the valley of trials and I have no way of getting over there, I’m guessing the portal doesn’t work because of I made a time runner character
Yeah, In the same boat. Pretty annoying to have a quest be so bugged. I haven’t abandoned since it sounds like it makes it worse. Hopefully a fix soon
Same thing happened to me. I got a response. it told me to drop and pick up the quest. did not help. still cannot do anything
No response from Blizz yet when que quest will be fixed.
I’m having the same bug, I can’t get back to durotar for the quest, I don’t have the hearthstone that let me go there, and no way to get the quest again to continue.
Like, I’m fine with not being able to go there when I don’t have the Pandaria quest that sends me there, or leave the area of the quest, but when it’s a major part of one of the chapters of the expansion, it should be possible for me to go back to where my quest is.
Having the same issue here, I got a response from blizz saying they know its a problem, and linked me this thread actually. They dont have a fix for it yet apparently.
At least we know they’ve noticed it at this point. Progress.
Any news on this, Blizzard? I’m still waiting to do my quest and get my Class armor set!
Same boat as everyone else. Hoping a fix comes soon.
Just adding to this thread with a Me Too! Thrall took off when I was expecting an “I’m ready, Thrall” situation. I tried to catch up but kept getting ported back. I accidentally clicked the portal and ended up back in Domination Point. I went back to Binan Village and abandoned the quest but all that accomplished was losing the quest, the hearthstone and no way to get any of it back. I hope it gets fixed before Remix is done.
Yep - I also made a separate post about this a while ago and no fix. I’ll probably just do the quest on an alt for the achievement, but it would’ve been nice to get the bronze cache on my main
Still bugged, just happened to me and now can’t get back there to continue quest chain
Blizz ever going to fix this?
It’s been more than 1 month with that bug, I doubt they are going to fix it.
I have the same problem, reported the “bug” and the answer is nothing… I,ll stay without my weapons class because this??
Just completed this quest after losing Thrall.
If Thrall disappears, run back to the the Valley of Trials (It teleported me) and Thrall should be waiting there at the start.
In the same boat.
Anybody know how to get back to the durotar for the quest?
Just had this happen to me pretty sure they wont fix it with only 30 days to go.
It is very embarrassing that they still haven’t found a fix to this months later. It’d take less time to fix than dealing with all these support tickets.
Legitimately just add a portal that “If you completed ‘Find Thrall!’ then portal to Valley of Trials appears” or even just add an extra text option with Vol’Jin that lets you teleport there after talking to him with the same pre-requisite.
Even if the novice game devs don’t have enough experience/knowledge to add pre-requisites to the portals, there’s less harm giving people the ability to head to the locked out Valley of Trials than there is locking people from completing a key quests without making a new character and spending tens of hours rushing through the campaign.