[Quest Spoilers] AK Spider Cave Quest

I did the spider cave story with the pathfinders in Ahj-Khahet last night and holy eff was that creepy. The whining in the walls from the captive pathfinders. The spiders all over that main Forsaken (Albert?), that giant spider at the end who melts him…yuck.

And then at the end you bring his head back to camp. Truely made my skin crawl. Especially since i was a Worgen with two wolves for that quest. I kept feeling like id have spiders in my fur.


Damn you, now I have to search for this quest and do it.


You mean that quest in the crab cave?


I honestly thought about that filter, and feel like thr crabs would have been worse. /shudder


Crabs are scarier than spiders. Crabs have eaten countless humans. Spiders, in all of our 400,000 years of coexistence with them, have yet to pick the bones of even one human clean.

Not even a small one.

I’d argue that spiders have probably made a lot more humans dead, though.

Crabs just eat us afterwards.


My wife has the crab thing on, and they look so ridiculous sometimes. I took her to Ara, and she was having fun. Later she was close to me and looked at my screen right when Avanoxx was walking down the webs…

The lulz were worth my damaged eardrums :clown_face:

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