Unless I’m misunderstanding something, I can’t interact with the NPCs that need to be rescued.
I am having same problem. Turned of mods too to make sure it was not that.
I am also having the same issue. Dropped quest, left the zone and tried again. Same issue
Yep same, NPCs seem broken.
Same, I’ve tried on several different alts on two different realms and none of them can interact with the Beleaguered Explorers during this Quest in both Non-Adventure and Adventure mode. Can’t interact with them at all.
Same issue here
I also am not able to interact with the explorers and cannot rescue them. THEY NEED MY HELP!!!
As of typing this now it was likely JUST hotfixed was standing next to npc’s attempting to click, reload UI etc nothing worked. Was reading this form and bumped my mouse and saw the icon on the NPC change, so I think it literally was just resolved. 7am 5/10/2024 EST
It’s still not working for me in Moon Guard. The NPCs have the quest item outline but can’t interact with them.
Same problem on Wyrmrest Accord, May 10th. Opened a ticket and received the generic response.
Tried again this morning. This time, two of them were interactable, and a third was interactable but I got to them at the same time as somebody else and then the NPC became uninteractable? Possibly a coincidence, possibly not? Maybe two people interacting at the same time breaks the NPC and it’s only cropping up on more populated servers? I’m on Moon Guard too.
Not working here too. Same issue. I’ve done it about a dozen times on alts.
Can’t interact with NPCs either. Dreadmaul OCE.
I’m the same, unable to interact with the NPCs; something broke on the server’s back. I’m waiting for it to be resolved so I can continue questing!
Was able to interact with the first one, but now cannot talk to any more.
Still bugged as of 6:30am EST Shandris … None of them can be interacted with… Abandoned 3xs and still nothing
First timer in the expansion and cannot do anything else due to this bugged quest. Also the Campaing quest “A New Set of Horns” is asking me for lvl 70? Stuck there too!
I’ve been just flying circles around the first map, get this fixed pls!
Still going on here on Area 52. Anyone find a work around?
Still buggy as of now. Was able to find 4 I could interact with, but the rest still don’t allow you to interact. And the 4 that did don’t respawn.
Same on Dalaran, explorers are still not willing to be rescued.