What are some quest rewards that you recommend keeping forever?
Here’s my picks:
Diamond Flask - this trinket is from the Voodoo Feathers Sunken Temple quest and all Warriors should get it. It gives +75 STR (150 atk) for 1 minute.
Mark of the Chosen - this trinket is from the Pariah’s Instructions Maraudon quest and all Tanks (maybe even some PvPers) should get it. It gives +25 to all stats for 1 minute on incoming hit. The tooltip says 2% but you’ll be surprised how often it procs.
Mark of Fordring - For physical DPS - this is a necklace from the In Dreams WPL quest. It gives 1% Crit and 26 atk.
Fordring’s Seal - For healers - this is a ring from the In Dreams WPL quest. It gives +5 INT, +4 Stam, +37 Heal.
Can’t go anywhere without my Luffa.
I remember there being a horde only +1% hit +ap trinket from the Hinterlands that was amazing for the level you could get it at.
Obviously, tidal charm.
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Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000
From a Horde quest in Raventusk VIllage - could be best pole in the Vanilla game.
Hell yea it is.
I think a lot of people forget that item because it’s a green.
But those of us who wanted to get hit capped early… we remember.
I just keep everything forever and complain about bag space.
Linkin’s boomerrang.
MMM. Better have weapon chains and be playing an orc!
i remember a thread discussing if that hinterlands quest hub will be in at launch, people were speculating that it wont be added till phase 2, with BWL, because thats when it was added in vanilla. I hope they’re wrong but it might not be there from the start.
Not strictly a “reward”, but Egan’s Blaster.
Real Paladins, Shamans, and Druids know what I’m talking about.
Smolderweb’s eye for trolling rogues and druids!
Nifty Stopwatch great to switch in when on cooldown
Dartol’s rod of transformation for furbolg feign death fun!
Interestingly there’s already two items listed on this thread from Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands, which surely makes it, on a per-quest basis, the best questing hub in the game.
Quest rewards I still have in my bags/bank:
- Mechanical Yeti from Winterspring (includes quests in Tanaris and Un’Goro)
- Carrot on a Stick from a quest for Gahzrilla’s scale ending in Thousand Needles
- The previously mentioned Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000
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Carrot on a Stick, oh yeahhhh you HAVE to keep that one.
Can you bother people with the foreman’s blackjack in classic? If so that.
BWL is phase 3. But I remember a video where Briam Birmingham said they believe that the Thorium Brotherhood quests are in the game in phase 1. If that is the case I could see the hinderlands quests added as well since they are not tied to any event like the Argent Dawn Quests or the Silithis quests
I still keep the underwater breathing staff from Gnomer in my mage’s bag.
Was the fishing ring available this early? For the fishing tourney in Stranglethorn?
Yep! I still drag that rod out every now and then to startle the young 'uns around Stormwind or wherever 
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