Quest "Return of the Friendly Dryskin"

I for some reason am not able to pickup the next quest for unlocking the oracles dailies. I helped a group the first day of trying this and they killed the oracle so I waited around and did it again and all I received from the Oracle was “Hand of the Oracles” daily and it just auto completes there. (The helping of the group is what I’m thinking messed something up but I have no real clue.) No other quest was given to return to the village. I tried this again today and still to no avail. I was only able to turn in the same daily again. Still not unlocking the 3 extra dailies from the village.

Day 3 still unable to continue this questline.


Any update? I have the same bug. Someone tried to even share this quest with me and it says I’m ineligible. Done every single quest in Sholazar Basin. 4434/12000 honored rep with oracles and hated with frenzyheart.

Can someone from blizz please respond?

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Anything on this yet? i just got stuck myself.

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This is happening to me as well, super frustrating.

same issue, and all you get for response from blizzard is the same delete wtf folder and disable addons bull crap.

Ive had this issue 4 days now and ticket up still.

Ahh, I see I’m not alone here. Anyone find a solution yet?

yah same for me be nice if blizzard actually gave a sh*t about its player comon how much do we pay u guys for this? so many glitches so many forums posts and still nothing I still cant hit esc on my boomy been months /golfclap blizz

unable to pick this up myself

yep, just had ticket open about 6 days. And all I got was a bs automated response

For anyone looking for a fix: Pick the other daily up opposite from the one you chose at first. It should give their quest to begin the dailies. Just don’t do it. Come back again the next day and repeat the same step picking the correct side you wanted in the first place. It should then work. This worked for me.


I’m having the same issue. I followed a guide and did every quest and still can’t the quest. Can’t unlock dailies. Infuriating

I’m trying to get achievements and have finished my Frenzyheart part of this. I (tried) swapping to Oracles and have not encountered this bug. I want my Oracle dailies please! Jaloot allowed me to swap rep, but won’t give me this quest now and so I cannot grind my rep. Please help!