Quest numbers on quest list and their locations on the main map not showing

This is a bit difficult to explain. On some of my characters, there are numbers preceding the quest in the quest list. When said quest is completed, the number changes to a question mark. These all show on the main map and when you click on the number, it shows the map area where mobs in the quest can be found.

On some of my characters, these do not show at all. At first I thought only the new characters showed these hints, but one of my original characters does show them. This leads me to believe that whether they show or not is due to a setting somewhere. I play retail WoW but without the latest expansion.

This is very frustrating. Can anyone out there help or point me in the right direction to enable this on all my characters? For the life of me, I have searched through all the settings and see no differences between those characters that show the numbers and those that don’t.

Are they coordinates? Can you upload a screenshot to imgur or something so we can see what you’re talking about?

My instincts say it’s probably an addon.

On the main map, numbers appear in the quest locations of the mobs involved. Some of my chars show this some don’t. Addons are the same for all chars. lol, I’m lost in cyber haze.

Oh I think I see what you mean. I have no idea how to turn it off or on, though.

You need to do the quests to open up more quests.
By what you said, you did on first, but not on the other one.
Also depends on what house you choose. The quests are based on them and the progress of them.
Hope that helps.

I’ve encountered some rare cases where the game spontaneously marks all my quests as “hidden”

Also, when you open the map, there’s a little menu in the upper right corner of what to show/not show. Check that your “quest objectives” is checkmarked?

Ope, I found it.

Dang, beat me to it.

Just click the magnifying glass on the main map, OP

It’s not the exclamation points on the map I’m asking about. For example: I’m leveling two Rogues, one Alliance, one Horde. They are receiving the same quests in Twilight Highlands. The Alliance char shown all of these locations on the main map. The Horde char shown none…

That explains the issue.
Some quests are horde/Allince only.

Still need to do the starting quests for both to see what is differnt . each one starts in org or storm .

Read the comments on…

Try looking at the interface settings. Under Display > Outline Mode. See if that’s the same with your toons. If it’s not, that might be the issue.

Same for all.

Wait, did

not do it?

“quest objectives” is checkmarked on every char. This is a strange one indeed, lol.

Dejavu I seen this thread before.

Some quests won’t show you a location on the map, this happens because of a couple reasons…

  1. the quest objective is an item in your inventory and not a location in the world.
  2. the quest objective is in a special instance that you were supposed to be taken to upon accepting that stage of the quest (these have bugged out for me before, to fix you may have to abandon and retake the quest)
  3. the quest objective is an action, such as listen to an NPCs story. These ones SHOULD mark the NPC location, but some don’t. If the NPC in question is the same one that gave you the quest, it is assumed that you will stay and listen before you run off, and as a result the quest designer did not mark the location.
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Example: Twilight Highlands. Alliance and Horde get to do some identical quest lines. The locations show on the Alliance char, but not the Horde char. As far as I can see, all settings are the same for both chars.

EDIT: Also, trivial quest tracking is enabled on both, but only exclamation points show on the Alliance char…

For that specific example in twilight highlands, that’s just a case of bad encoding for the quest… it’s not the only time they have made a blunder like that and it seems no matter how many times it is pointed out to them it never gets fixed.

Wouldn’t bad encoding apply to both chars? In my case it seems to only affect the Horde char.

Nope… because while the quests might seem identical, they arn’t exactly identical on the back end… the horde side might have a missing or incorrect flag somewhere in the quest that should redirect that quest marker.

Ann other example of bad encoding, if you ever play a Void Elf and walk through stormwind you will see EVERY guards detection radius as if you were a horde character, because someone at Blizzard couldn’t bother to correct their faction flags completely.

Ah, I see. Thank you! I guess this is something I will have to live with. Thanks also to all others who replied!!