Quest Markers Not Showing on Map

hi, i’ve been having an issue with quest markers on my main map in retail wow recently.

basically exclamation marks indicating new/daily quests won’t show up which is making it really difficult to find out what i need to do next, especially in places like the maw and korthia. they’ll show up on the minimap when i’m within range but just not on the main map. i have disabled all of my add-ons and made sure that the “show quest objectives” option in the map settings is ticked, but they still wont show. things were working just fine yesterday at initial patch release so i think it must have been something with the maintenance that happened earlier today


Same issue, did my dailies but had to actually find them lol

Ditto - seems like anything that is a daily quest (blue) is not showing up on the maps - including (but likely not limited to) - callings and maw dailies.

Same issue here. The dailies (blue “!”) are not showing up on my map, they do appear on the minimap when I get close enough to them in the world. Also, the weekly quests (yellow “!”) are also not appearing on the map.

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Yep same issue, seems to be dailys and callings

Is this why I can’t find the npc with the Rare Resources Calling?

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A calling quest is not showing on my map so I cannot do it.

Yes. (If you’re looking for the NF one, it’s just outside to the west.)

To echo what others are saying, i am also having the same issues with callings, dailies and weekly quests onall of my alts. I can see available callings/quests on the minimap when i get within range, but they are no longer showing up in the main map accessed with (M) key.

Same issue.

Yep. Came here to report RSVP’s for Ember Court are not on main map.

Same issue here, not seeing dailies for necrolord, maw or korthia. I see them on the minimap but not main map.

Same, callings are not showing up on sanctum maps.

Same issue. Disabled all addons and still doen’t show.

Same issue. I have disabled all my addons and still can’t get them to show.

same issue. blizz plz fix

Adding my “same” to the pile.

I am also experiencing this

I am having this issue as well.

Hello everyone!

Good news, customer support has acknowledged they’re looking into the problem here: Dailies Not Showing Up in Map


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