Quest: Lakeshire's Last Stand

All the NPCs are showing orange and cannot be warned, preventing the quest from being completed.


I have the same issue…


yeah I am having the same issue right now!

I have the same issue :confused:


Same issue, been trying everything.

I think the cross faction messed with this, I’m horde so the npc con orange and can not click to “warn” then

I found a temporary fix for this, you can talk to and warn the children and it counts towards the quest, but they only count for 3/5 but I waited long enough and they respawned and was able to talk to them again to warn them.


Yup, same for me as well. Was also curious if this was because I’m horde. Wonder if this is coming up again because of the latest patch?

Would love a fix soon. I just resubbed yesterday after a year off, and get greeted with this bug. bliz plz…

This worked! Thank you! It only took a few minutes for the kids to respawn.

That said, come on Blizz. This bug has been in the game since launch. Fix your game.

not working anymore. I tried but once I warned them and after respawned, there is no menu anymore to warn it. blizzard… Ha…



I started the quest on my pally, I can’t interact with any of the citizens. Abandoned and started the quest over several times, nothing.

I tried that too, nothing. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

This just happened to me. I am unable to talk and warn any of the citizens. From other posts this seems to be happening for about a year and has not been addressed. How is this still a problem :frowning:

I was having the same problem. I dropped the quest, picked it back up, and then warned the people BEFORE boarding up any windows. Worked fine.