Quest Issue: The Wrath of Shek'zeer

Does anyone have any idea why the three boss mobs(Akkolon, Shox’tik and Manifestation of Terror) haven’t seemed to have spawned over the last 24 hours? I’ve searched the internet for a solution(wowhead, interwebs, wow forums) to no avail.

I have a ticket into support but I thought I’d give the community a chance to save the day before I move on and wait for a response from a Game Master.

First 2 comments.

2nd comment in particular, have you read that or tried the solution offered?

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Yes. I’ve moved between all three areas to see if one had spawned. I ground mounted between the three locations for about an hour yesterday. I tried again this morning but nothing has spawned so far.

ETA: I did hear back from a Game Master suggesting I open a bug report to let the devs know. Before I could muster the strength to send that bug report the three bosses spawned(and then kept on spawning) a few days later in the evening.

I don’t know. I got the quest done so I guess success?