Quest glitched and your team doesnt read bug reports

So for the quest called Liskey Business I keep geting the thing tagged and it will run around and wll auto leave me even though last time i did the quest it all went just fine.

So need to to put this into a bug report cuz i tried submitting nonstop bug reports about my glithched shaman action bars in Wrath and they remained glithed all the way through Wrath so that is proof the bug repors are ignored. So yea this quest is now glitched and I have proof from the past that this will never ever get fixed by submitting a bug report for it. So that quest in The War Within on one of my shamans there. I cannot do it on that toon. The thing just runs around and then despawns and resets when it nevr did that any f the other times i did that quest.

Bug reports will be addressed, you just won’t get feedback on them. If you want to make a bug report, you can do so on the hug report forum under the support category or ingame. Otherwise, not sure what your goal is here.

Was there something you need help with? The forums isn’t for ranting. Along with that, putting in tickets won’t help as GMs don’t fix bugs, nor they’re there for bug reports. If something is bugged, the bug report forum is the place and QA will get to it when there isn’t higher needed fixs, like an NPC/mob not spawning which stop everyone from doing an expact.

347 bug reports about my glitched shammy action bars during Wrath Classic. never got a fix. So that right there is proof the bugs are never fixed. I also don’t want to wait a year and half to be able to do this quest. I counted how many times I put in the bug reports for my shammy bars.

Quest is now buged and cannot be done. The little thing I need to save when I use the whistle it comes to me and then attacks something at random and then will sit there and despawn. Last time I did the quest it actually came with me. And have to be deep in the cave in order to get it to come to you.

I suspect that there is no benefit to spamming bug reports. I cannot speak with certainty, but it seems unlikely.

Also, the quality of the report is important. I have literally 0 idea what your bug was that you sent 347 reports for. The more information you can give, the better so that they can actually know what the issue is.

It caused my shaman action bars to go away and sometimes even mid combat and also typing /reload would only sometimes fix it. Never was a problem in orignal WoTLK and I had a shaman then.

any help please do i wait for a world quest or do i find a quest giver for old quest

is this sponge bob time hahaha

where do i get liskey business quest