I’ve noticed this on and off throughout Dragonflight, but it is much more predominant so far in TWW. If a quest giver has additional quests for you after you turn in quests to them, the button to accept the new quests from them is bugged. I have to close the dialogue, and walk about 10 steps away, then go back to them in order to accept the new quests. This is happening with every single quest giver that has additional quests after turning in initial quests.
Same issue here. Interactions to get a quest or turn one in happen maybe 50% of the time and I usually have to log out and back in to get it to work.
I’ve had this happen before, but it seems to be happening much more often this xpac.
Happens from time to time since Dragonflight for me. Lately it has been a lot worse.
It’s really becoming a distraction. Kinda takes you out of the game a bit.
Came here to report the same. Happened in DF, happens a lot more now.
Been grinding sojourner achieves (the one’s that aren’t bugged!) and this happens about every other quest. So annoying.
I guess the “solution” for now would be that if you’re accepting quests and the accept button it’s working, you have to walk away from the NPC about 5 paces and then walk back to it. Kinda silly and takes you out of the experience a bit, but it’s the only thing that works for now.
This has been a recurring issue for me this expansion also. it appears to happen when an NPC offers a new quest line after completing a prior quest line - I lose the ability to interact with the character and am unable to accept the new quest line. The only solution is to either relog or, more easily, do a “/reload ui”.
Oh thank heavens its not just me, I just resubbed after like 2 years and its driving me insane.
Been dealing with this since the start of DF. I’m just glad it’s a minor inconvenience and not game breaking since it’s been going on for this long and not a peep from Blizz about it.
Also experiencing this exact issue in-game. Happened to me with almost every questline in War Within when leveling my main. Had to walk away at least 20 meters and then walk back to accept the next part of various questlines.
You just have to step like 10 feet away and then talk to them again. Then it works. I dont think you have to log out
Same exact issue. beginning to drive me nuts