Quest for Sinister Gladiators's Shield Wall


Looking at a shield i want for Transmog and it says its from a quest.
Anyone know what quest?

Any “Sinister” bfa gear is from pvp-rewards. You can casually do pvp-stuff, earn 500 conquest points and once you get to 500 “conquest” points you can then turn it for a weekly quest reward. This also gives you a weekly pvp chest (just like your M+ chest) which will be available the next week next to the pvp quartermaster

For more info on the Conquest rewards system see here:

The link doesn’t mention Zone Assaults with WM on: you can get 10-15 conquest per assault WQ (a total of 60 for all 5 assault WQ’s).

If you do 1 assault per day with WM on and the “Call To Arms” quest (kill 10 enemy players in a specific BfA zone) you only need to do a couple of other things to get cap. I suck at pvp. I have trouble beating a child armed with a Popsicle and I can still hit cap on multiple toons every week very comfortably.

The only thing of course is that this item you want is a shield and you will only get it with a shield-using class.4

Thanks mate