I have a level 48 hunter using World PVP for the level bonus. I was passing through Elwynn Forest, and I was killed by a level 120 druid which seemed to suck a soul away from me. Do they get quest credit for killing ANY level? If so, why is there not a challenge for them? It would mean that anyone could just knock out any low-levels to get quest credit, which dismantles the scaling of PVE enemies in every zone. There is no point in questing in Elwynn Forest, Redridge, or Westfall, because three or four Horde kill every single quest-giver repeatedly. It then takes an entire raid group to chase them off for a few minutes, after which the Horde returns to wipe out the towns.
When BFA started, there was PVP scaling, and no matter what your level and gear score, any two enemies could kill a single one because somehow the PVP gear scaled. I guess that got removed because the Horde couldn’t gank anymore.