[Quest] Choosing Your Purpose - Can't use table to select Covenant

Hubby and I are unable to choose covenant as the table item is lit but not interactable. We are both level 70 and have completed the quests up to and including talking to each of the covenant reps.

  • relogging to character screen
  • exiting to launcher
  • disabling all addons and logging back in
  • resetting WTF, Cache and Interface folders and logging back in
  • using chromie time to get into “shadowlands time” as well as others then returning to Oribos via both the SW portal as well as direct hearth to Ring of Fates (chromie time does not stay on when using portal)
  • completed Harbinger questline and Reclaiming Gilneas questline (in case it was phasing due to that)
    Cannot drop/retake quest as Abandon Quest function does not do anything.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Updated profile to correct character instead of my alt Aliwynn. Not sure if it matter though .

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also tried using party synch feature with chromie time. also did not work (most times chromie time just turned off upon portal/hearth.

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Bump. Also experiencing this bug

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I am the hubby in this situation and I am experiencing this exclusion in participating in content. I would prefer to no longer experience the role of victim in this situation, so please aid me in being a hero once again! I believe in you Blizzard, please show us the way to victory!

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same here and i have posted on the other bug report of the same issue. they have sent us canned responses over the last few days telling us to reload UI and the issue was fixed last patch and a few other BS stories. for what i believe is to clear the ticket reports and mark them as answered thus resetting the timer ( i know this because i used to be a quality control manager at a call center and that is exactly what they did)
but anyway hopefully someone reads these and actually sends them to the development team to get a fix because it is clearly NOT FIXED

As of this morning’s update, I am now able to click on the helm to pick my covenant.

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I am once again afforded the opportunity to become a hear once again, thank you Blizzard. I will not let you down! For Azeroth! The Harbinger will be discovered and dealt with…

I am now able to choose a covenant. I wish you the same fortune!

same i just checked and now i can and did except the covenant of my choice.