Quest: Call of the Uncrowned bugged

I am able to get the letter and read it on my rogue, but am unable to access the class hall. Seems to take me to a different version of the class hall that doesn’t have access to the whole thing. Just a portal and one NPC (no spoilers). The portal takes me to an inn in Dragonflight. I’m trying to quest thru Legion while leveling up.


Ive been stuck as well after i say the pass phrase i cannot get through a certain point due to an invisible barrier


same here cant complete it

Still broken.
My rogue makes it down the first hallway and the first set of stairs only to encounter problems getting down the second hallway and to the second flight of stairs.

I have the same issue, once I get down the stairs there is like an invisible wall some spots I can jump on but no passage.

Still broken as of 7/31 at 6PM Eastern time. There is an invisible barrier at the second landing and it’s impossible to proceed.

still broken

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still broken (8/3/24)

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Still broken 8/4/24
Blizzard can you please do something about this.

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Stuck in the second hallway. Please fix.

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rogue class hall has been broken since WWI prepatch dropped. and they haven’t even acknowledged it. there are several threads about it in a bug forum and still - nothing.


I can’t even get the Call of the Uncrowned quest to begin with. Realized on one of my rogue alts I hadn’t done Legion content yet and I figured, hey I have to go there anyway. So I snag the broken shore quest, go talk to the guy to skip the intro scenario and get ported to Legion Dal. I hand in for the five millionth duplicate of the Dalaran hearthstone and then ran around for a bit waiting for NPC to spawn. It never spawned.

I tried to put in a ticket and their answer was wowhead, research, and to say they don’t provide game hints. NPC won’t spawn, not exactly something the player can fix y’know? I’m guessing it’s all tied to the same bug?

I know I’ve done everything right at least. Re-opened the ticket, if I get any kind of useful response I’ll forward information along /shrug


Still broken as of 8.6.24…

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So as an update here, getting the quest was a problem with the Harbinger quest (which you’re forcefed even if you completed it on your main), phases you out from getting the starter quest if you never did it.

The order hall though is still broken. I logged on my main (this character) and tried to use an alternate door, just to see. The invisible wall is inside the order hall too, you cannot access that hallway at all.

And wtf is with the loss of appearance? I go from being a female worgen rogue to a human male ‘disguised uncrowned agent’. Why do I need to lose my character to go in there? I know it’s not a widespread need but for dorks using it for RP purposes, we kinda got screwed there. Don’t really understand what’s going on in that hall.

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I can’t even DO the harbinger quest. my lower level rogue who is part way through the quest - cannot get it and my now max level rogue who CAN get it - cannot complete it, becasue Kadgar doesn’t show up in the chambers of the guardian… and best I can figure why - is because she completed the Echoes quest down by the Echo event portals.

Bumping, I just tried again this morning after catching up on all current Dalaran stuff and also going back and resetting my rogue to Legion time just to see if that might work.

I’ve also run into this issue as of 8/12, bumping for visibility.

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guess blizz hates rogues :frowning: i usually dont come to forums but the support told me to go and report it in the forum which seems its still here for 17days and still nothing … sigh :frowning:

Appears to be working. Made it in with my rogue this morning.

confirm, its working now…finally