Hello all,
Just came across the quest " Scouting Report: The Friend of My Enemy". You are to see the storyline through the eyes of Riko. Everytime I go to do it I get 1 shot by the mob I’m trying to kill while defending Kiryn. I’m level 10 with XP turned off. I’ve had zero problems with any quests up till now.
I wanted to stop xp at 10 and do every quest possible then move to 20 and go from there just to enjoy the questing and read quests etc. I’ve done all of Classic, BC, Wrath that i can and onto Pandaria now.
I’m not sure if its a bug, or if its just a level thing at this point but if I was able to get the quest that isn’t doable in a group (you cant do the “scenario” in a group should it not be doable?
Again the quest is " Scouting Report: The Friend of My Enemy" and the bug, if it is a bug, is the mob is one shotting Riko while defending Kiryn. Thanks for any help.
Having the same issue. Can’t progress at all because of it. A couple of times I was able to survive the first two jinyu, but health was so low I was one-shot by the next jinyu.
I have also run into this problem. I’m level 17 and can’t progress.
Trying to do it in Remix and the same issue. 3 shots and I’m dead and can’t kill the Jinyu because damage was reduced…
This is happening with allot of these quests. Hopefully fixing one will fix them all.
Im having the exact same issue stopping my progression:(
Having the same issue, I’d be okay with it if I didn’t get hit because I didn’t knock them back .2 seconds early
Having the exact same issue
On the alliance side of this, the hozen come to you one at a time and you can get the with 1 shot before your even hit. Once you kill the first one two more follow, the the main guy.
Also the alliance side mobs are NOT ELITES…For some reason Blizz wanted to punish the Horde by making them be ganged up by three elites and spend hours trying to progress in this…
glad to see its not just me, beat this quest fine on my other toon before prepatch update now i cant get anywhere close
Seems to be a bug for sure. I managed to finish the quest by kiting the enemies one by one and just using the ranged attack. None of them can catch you and there doesn’t seem to be a range that you have to stay within to complete it. Pretty much just ran circles around them flinging poo until they were all dead.
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This worked… Kind of hard to live down as a DK tank - running for my life flinging poo… Yay for pre-launch.
This is still bugged. My hubby came on to level some toons and cannot progress further with this questline. Then you have to miss a whole lot after. Please fix this as it has been effecting alliance and horde it seems for a long time. Pretty damn annoying.
Still bugged. Took me several attempts but I was able to run around in circles and beat it eventually. That’s crazy they haven’t fixed this yet.
Got stuck on this too. If I kite they just catch up and I can’t knock them back fast enough. I die in like two hits… Did they even test this themselves before just throwing it out there?!
Still having the same problem - on horde. I did what someone said about and ran around in circles while spamming the throw option. However i still almost did die and it took forever. I am on the Remix and i have fully leveled 3 other characters with no issue on this quest until now after the pre release came out.
Good news everyone! They’re now one-shotted starting with yesterday’s patch…
But now it gets stuck on the next one, it being impossible to complete. After all the guards with arrows on the second round are killed it just sits there and won’t advance.
I give up.