having the same issue!!
I am experiencing the same issue, has there been a work around or some way i can get credit for the quest?
on another note what is the chances that of the last 15 or so random classic timewalking instances i have done that none of them have Deadmines? its the last one i need for the achieve and ive not yet seen it the entire 20th event.
I’m having the issue on my druid. The dungeons are counting towards the vault reward but not the weekly time walking quest. Every time I leave a dungeon the quest disappears from my log and the quest giver has the ! over his head again.
Nope, looks like they decided to ignore it.
same here it drops as soon as I take it
Someone suggested getting the TW quest from the Adventure Guide. This worked for my main and an alt (2 out of 6). I didn’t find the quest in the adventure guide for the other four and am SOL with those. Of the remaining four, two of them are still counting in the Vault, and two aren’t, but I have no idea why.
Someone else mentioned that untracking the quest worked for them, but it unfortunately didn’t work for me.
If you try an alternate method, I recommend staying in place, no portals or loading screens other than the dungeon itself, for the best chance at keeping the quest.
It seems to only be affecting characters that did this quest LAST week, so if you have any neglected alts to level that didn’t do this quest last week, now’s probably a good time to do it.
Still having this issue as of 01/06/25 - the last day of the event. Don’t think we’re getting a bug fix today, unfortunately.