A Temple in Need - Disciple Helene is bugged. We complete the objectives, however, the NPC never changes dialog. Instead when talking again to the NPC, we have the same option that began her objectives “How can I help?”. When selecting this, nothing happens if you have already completed her objectives. Multiple people are standing here experiencing the same thing. Abandoning and retrying it doesn’t help.
Can confirm, having issues with the same thing. I can’t progress. :<
Oddly enough, I didn’t have issues with this before their patch earlier on my demon hunter, now I can’t do it on my warlock after the patch.
I’m guessing we can’t advance unless we complete this quest?
Yeah no it’s completely broken, after she rings the first bell she’s supposed to ring the next, and so on. However, she just doesn’t go to ring the next after you’ve completed the first task. I’ve tried abandoning the quest and restarting it multiple times. Very Annoying too seeing that you cant continue the campaign without completing this.
Interesting how this only affects certain players and not others.
Okay. So this has already been reported. Just wanted to check.
Same problem here
Same problem here
Same with Helene
Yes I’m having the same problem. Skullcrusher server
There’s another, already established thread about this. Seems to be an issue affecting multiple realms and regions. =(
Yup, same problem. Kael’thas server.
I’m sure blizzard will provide a fix soon :).
Same problem here
Yep buggy on the Rexxar server too. Got a large group forming on the spot that can’t complete the quest
Same on AD/Scryers… Putting a halt to leveling
Edit: I have relogged, and attempted to redo the quest 4 times.
They probably won’t hotfix it right now as they got a schedule maintenance in a few hours.
Same problem on Area 52. Tried to do things in a different order and that didn’t help, neither did a relog.
Same issue on Ysondre
same issue on hyjal
Use the same thread so blizzard is more likely to notice.