The quest to acquire a Brewfest Stein seems to be missing from the game. I’d like to get a stein to be able to drink all the wonderful Brewfest brews straight from the kegs.
This is in WotLK Classic right? Because you’re posting on a Classic character.
In Retail, you just buy the Bottomless Brewfest Stein from Belbi Quickswitch for 10 Brewfest tokens.
I don’t know the situation in Classic, since I haven’t checked out the event there. I do recall that the “first time around”, they didn’t do new steins for a long stretch after TBC, so if they’re emulating the history of Wrath this might be unfortunately intentional. (I hope not.)
Yes, WOTLK Classic
Also this is where the wotlk classic client took me to post a bug report. Guess it mixes all the bug reports on a single page.
There is a dedicated Classic Bug Reports forum but I’m forced to assume reporting Classic bugs in the generic Bug Reports forum should also work, simply because that’s how the client is directing it.
I can’t get it either on my characters even w/out addons- it is just not there
Yea I don’t see this quest either. Is there a preq i missed somewhere? I even did his barrel quest.
the qreg is doing the ram race, then his assistant gives you the quest which gives you the voucher for the brewfest stein.
I got the quest, and then no other quest popped up.
I too am also struggling with accepting this quest.