QUERY: Does Yrel deserve redemption?

To find justice against those that did a crime would be hard when you face a world of people and more likely you would come against the people you so surly would want to protect and in the end kill them as well which result in no redemption because you can’t say, sorry.

I don’t think someone like grom deserves redemption who got it just by shouting “draenor is free” after he was the one enslaving it, he committed genocide in two different timelines and actually helped destroy draenor in our timeline. But if you think Sylvanas deserves redemption, then no other bad guy should ever be killed off warcraft, she did much worse than yrel.


In a way they can be redeem ,even grom it only takes one soul to do so. If sylvannas find one soul in the Maw( this could happen) that actual forgives ,even one child everything changes.

Nah, she would have to find every soul of each of her victims and get them to forgive her, even the obliterated ones.

Ok. Please connect the dots between burning civilians alive, melting your own troops, and helping some tauren ghost not forget things.

I’m aware of Sylv’s motivations, but the story is so convoluted that it’s frankly difficult to care.

At least in Yrel’s case, there was clear motivation for her actions.


Given that she’s still sitting in my garrison being her normal annoying self… and even my Magyar Orc had to save her to build his own garrison, there is a villain here and its name is Continuity of the Many Threads.



She didn’t destroy it though.

Draenor is better off with the blessing of the Naaru.


Two different thing,one is dead( the sl) the other alive (reality). The dead can’t redeem the living because they are on two different realms of existence. If you killed and don’t act before you die to forgive then it’s too late ,you can’t save the person that did the crime unless living.

Yrel case, if one person forgive her she is redeemed .

Love you Grumbles ,always some wisdom you have.

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I would have to vote no. Shame. I liked her during Warlords.

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COMMENTARY: If you played through shadowlands and didn’t question the system which was the entire point of most of the narrative decisions then I don’t know what to say.

You just weren’t paying any attention.

That entire planet was doomed anyways. The entire alternate timeline was self destructing anyways.

Yrel doesn’t deserve redemption nor do we even know the entire story. We solely have what the Mag’har told us which is certainly plausible and a logical leap from where we left things in WoD.

Just because Grommash helped us didn’t mean things were all good between us. He helped us because he wanted revenge and Yrel still has the fresh wounds from Losing AU Velen, her sister, and the massacre of her people (let alone the knowledge of what happened in MU Azeroth).

It’s very logical to assume she did, instead of straight up slaughtering orcs, gave them an ultimatum of converting to the light instead of keeping to their twisted dark faiths because if they still clung to their old faiths despite seeing how bad things turned out, they must be evil in her mind and plotting against her and justifying her crusade.

We, as bystanders, can say it’s wrong sure. I don’t think Yrel though is anywhere near on the same level as Sylvanas though and even if you want to try and compare “body counts”, Yrel doesn’t even measure out to a blip compared to Sylvanas.

It’s far more than a tree of innocent elves…Sylvanas broke the barrier between the mortal and afterlife universe and while she may not own killing all the souls, she’s certainly directly responsible for them being damned and consumed in the maw. We also know that this includes alternate realities/universes since Demon and elemental souls were there too (go do the Kyrian Limbo anima conductor world quest and you’ll see they deal with those souls too meaning Sylvanas’ actions needs to include those planes of existence also).

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I don’t mind your consistently bad takes, but at least be honest when you’re going to argue about something.

If only wow would let up join the baddies!

Yrel did nothing wrong!

The entire AU story with Yrel is just that of an oppressed people rising up and destroying their oppressors. Then the oppressors flee claiming to be victims.

She should be heralded as a hero not asking if she needs redemption…


Sure, why not? Give her the same kind of “redemption” Grom got at the end of WoD.

Seriously. At least real Orcs can claim some semblance of being duped into becoming the Legion’s cannon fodder. Alternaorcs willingly and knowingly turned to the enemies of all life once their back was against the wall, and even before that were all too keen to hop on Garrosh’s Glorious Genocide Jamboree.

That’s much more damning.

Yrel went to extremes, sure, but she was dealing with a 100% confirmed, extreme threat. The alternaorcs tried to erase her people and were even willing to side with the Legion, knowing full well what that would mean, to do it.

Sylvanas’ shenanigans by comparison may as well have been done for the lulz.


Except that’s never mentioned as being part of her reason for doing it. There were like decades of peace and friendship between WoD and BFA. There was literally no threat that the orcs were going back on the warpath.

I’m going to say no.
Because that would involve her being relevant again.