Queen's Order

Nothing until Blizzard realizes “uh oh we ACTUALLY made her a major villain and will have to make up a real reason for all the evil things she has done.”

Then you should go be “Evil” somewhere else.

You 'not caring" and just “enjoying being evil” effects more than you just.

go make your own faction to be evil.

What this letter means is that 8.2 won’t be the only disappointing, time gated patch at all.

That’s a great theory with lots of angles to it. Well done.

On topic, I really hope we get some advancement in the story, if not a resolution/explanation. I’m going crazy waiting to find out whats supposed to happen next.

Dear Nathanos,

Did you get that thing I sent you?


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I actually kind of like the idea that Yogg is working through her.

Hardly surprising news tho? Even at her most benevolent, Sylvanas appreciation for the Horde goes as far as they can help her fulfill her plans.

jinkies a clue!

I think it’s about time we wrap up this mystery and unmask this banshee queen!

Odd phrasing. Why don’t you go be good somewhere else?

She united the Alliance and Horde against Azshara and N’zoth.

Oh, but this thread is full of people damning her anyway, though. I thought this evidence would convince them otherwise, but it’s not entirely conclusive, leaving a bit of room for opinion, so maybe I should expect people to stick to their guns.

Cause we were here first.

You leave.

It would be nice if they attempted a different approach where the rag-tag group of adventures get subtly manipulated and actually contribute to the big demise, the antagonist has a partial or maybe total victory, we lose a bunch of our boring protagonists and a new era starts which is all about claiming what we’ve lost which brings us to 9.0.

Sadly, that ain’t happening.

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She is going to make a giant multicolored afghan for everyone to have a snuggle party under.

Maybe make some nice tea.

Sylvanas and Nathanos are cute af apparently. That last paragraph was charming.

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If there is a redemption arc to all of this, where this is all part of an “ends justify the means” kind of scenario (Illidan 2.0?), then it might be the height of deus ex machina level story telling in WoW. The thread from Point A to Point B would be one of the most far fetched chain of events I’ve seen in some time.


Things change.

Nah, this isn’t something I’d back down from.

You wanna play Scourge, and be evil? Go make your own faction, don’t drag the rest of us down with you.

Some of us have principles.