Queen's conservatory - help please - greeting a god

I started this quest before Christmas. Planted the seed. I knew it was going to take an hour so I went to do other things and forgot about it until now. I can NOT find out how to get back to the conservatory now.
Since it is half done, I don’t even get the option to abandon the quest and start over.
I’ve talked to every NPC associated with this stupid quest. The mushroom network doesn’t give the option to go there either.
I’ve searched everything I can on Wowhead.
How do I get there to talk to the spirit, so I can finish this?

The entrance to the Queen’s Conservatory is on the bottom level of Heart of the Forest, next to Conservator Starry Night. When you go down the ramp & face the Anima Conductor, it’s off to the right. It works like the mushroom network (run into the glowing circle on the floor & click the button that comes up on screen) but it isn’t part of that network.


Thank you so much! That worked. I did everything BUT stand on that circle!