Opening of Phase 3 of queen Ansurek, Ansurek will sometimes target the felguard until felguard is dismissed or dies. This occurs WITH felguards threat gen ability turned off AND tank taunt does not seem to fix this. If infect goes off on the felguard prior to felguard dying or dismissed, it’s essentially a raid wipe.
Unsure if this happens in any difficulty except for heroic but it’s somewhat consistent.
Pet AI and tags might need a revamp in the next couple expansions as it seems there’s consistently some pretty major bugs regarding them every patch. It may be that the pet code is just too far gone to revamp and demonology might just have to contend with it for the rest of the game’s life.
Reminds me of Nathria, when you went to the lower area during the Denathrius fight.
Soon as you went through a mirror, the felguard would just….stop. Wouldn’t move, attack, nothing. Had to resummon it mid fight to get it working again. Never did get patched, far as I remember.
I think all the melee pets would do this. They would also bug out when you went through the mirrors frequently too.
Some other pet related issues right now:
In the 2nd boss in City of Threads, sometimes the boss will target your pet with Knife Throw (this will just kill your pet at high keys).
Last boss in Siege of Boralus, sometimes your pet will go into the water near the boss and swim around unable to find a path to you. This is especially prevalent during the movement from the 2nd to 3rd cannon sections.
On Skarmorak in Stonevault as Diabolist (Destro/Demo), your Diabolist summons will frequently target whatever spawned in crystal is closest to you, regardless of what you’re targeting. This can potentially wipe your entire group.
If you ever summon the Diabolist Fel Lord guy right as you break line of sight to your target and the Fel Lord spawns behind a way that is LoS too, he will sometimes not charge until you go back into LoS of the mob. I am not sure if this will be resolved with the anniversary patch change, because even adding a ranged ability to him doesn’t help much if he is LoS and can’t charge around the corner path on his own.