Que Times - Blizz Profit for Nothing Scheme

Hi All,

please be advised, we are all complaining about the same thing.
but Blizzard being blizzard doesnt care about the land down under.

Whitemane and Herod Complained and the next day they got layering back.

yet blizzard preceeded to allow xfers back to Arugal and allow character creation again,

while also removing layering, they do not care that we pay the same per month as our American counterparts.

as far as they are concerned it is money in the bank.

in the TOS it says as long as you get some play time on your account for your $15 a month they dont care, as long as you played even a minute and got dcd they are justified in taking your $15.

it doesnt matter if you cant neckbeard and log into a que remotely 3 hours before you get home,

blizzard doesnt care.

if they did they would have seen the complaints over the last 2 weeks about ques and done something about it.

having ques every single night after 4pm AEST that can go for hours is rediculous when the working person cant play for what they pay for.

blizzard needs to do something and arent.

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