Quality of translation

Ok, today i’ve tried the new 10.2 quests. They are cool.


The french translation on this expansion is often poorly done. We have some $masculine:femine here and there. We also have some parts in english, not translated.

During the “Vyranoth Confronts Odyn” quest, some of the texts are just… not making sense. It doesn’t sound right. The phrase she says to Wrathion (“je ne croirai pas une telle hypocrisie” / I would not believe such hypocrisy) is just not making much sense in this context.

I think the word you want here is “tolérer” : Je ne pourrais tolérer pareille hypocrisie / I would not tolerate such hypocrisy.

She then says “je me montre diplomatique”. No one would say that in french. We would say “Je me montre diplomate”.

Also when Vyranoth talks to the dragons she says “Vous êtes les vrais dragons” / “You are the true dragons”. It means that these dragons are the only true dragons - other dragons like her or Wrathion are not true dragons. WTF ?

If you want to say “You are true dragons” in french : Vous êtes de vrais dragons.

It’s supposed to be a cool quest, with a world changing event.

It seems your work is being ridiculed by google translation. Come on Blizzard, your narration deserves better.

It reminds me of a thing I think we had in 10.0

In english you use the same word - chest - for treasure chest (coffre in french) and chest piece (pièce de torse / poitrine)

But in french, for the set tokens, you did use the word “coffre” while talking about a breast plate. I’ve seen this in poorly translated android chinese games using google translation. I have opened a lot of “poitrines” for gems and golds on android :slight_smile:

I would expect you to do better than poor chinese cash grabs on android.

Please use real persons as translators and double check your work. And give translators and voice actors more context to work with.