Quality of Customer Service

So have customers.


mistakes are fine.
it’s how we learn.

i’m not going to feel compassion for someone over pixel loot.
empathy maybe, but not compassion.

…which clearly wasn’t your intention with this thread.
You wanted to complain about how you were treated… which comprised the majority of the op.

GMs aren’t there to try and maintain their composure while they listen to people complain about loot.
their job is to assist with issues which players are unable to resolve on their own.
…issues which are impeding game play.
not issues which “made you feel bad”.

I wasn’t trolling, I was merely informing you that you misused the saying.
The saying is “I couldn’t care less”.
When you say “I could care less”, it means you care.

Instead of being offended, try being thankful that an internet stranger was kind enough to share some knowledge with you, in an attempt to save you from embarrassing yourself in the future by using phrases which you’re not familiar with.


Wait, what?

They blame their faulty product for being unable to give present in-game customer service?

That’s hilarious! In a really bad way.

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I don’t remember saying they specifically said this. It’s merely what makes sense. Cutbacks in employees, so many bugs, the ticketing system had the be streamlined better. :man_shrugging:t2:

imagine if you were home instead and overheard your kids (hypothetical) and realized you could help solve a parenting problem instead.

wallpaper is just wallpaper no matter how you dress it. I’m sure its a lot less stressful sitting on your home computer where your boss can’t see you. if you need social interaction i’m sure you can do what all my work from home friends do and find a hobby they do WHILE working.

You assume that I was demanding in my ticket, but the fact is, I clearly stated that I was at fault but wished to speak with a GM to see if this error could be retroactively resolved.

While it may not be game breaking, having to wait an additional week without the legendary which all mages use in pvp, does hinder gameplay. I’m not complaining about the end result, I accept I made a mistake and will live with it.

The original post was intended to promote discussion, which it has. However, like most forum posts, the thoughts develop as the discussion grows on; as I stated in my constructive suggestions that followed.

They have multiple cut and paste responses and I am sure they got one of them.

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I much prefer preferring operating by Artificial Intelligence and being computer generated anyway. It’s easier to understand, as you know the rules.

I put a ticket in 6 days ago (I had to check :laughing: ) I bought 6 months of game time for my 5 accounts but I accidentally put a year on account 5 and didn’t put any on account 1. Submitted a ticket two days later, Blizz refunded me


and I bought game time for the right account :+1: This all occurred in like 12 hours? I’ve never had a problem with Blizz customer support, but I think they have limits on what they can do in regards to in game items like what you’re describing.

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you had the ability to think about what you were going to post, before you posted it.
you even titled the thread “Quality of Customer Service”.
…then go on to state that you don’t have a problem with Customer Service, and decided to change your mind and claim that thread is actually a suggestion about a quest.

…due to something which you know you brought on yourself, and you know you can fix by waiting another week.
The season isn’t ending this week, so it’s nothing majorly dramatic.

yep… they were asking to be credited for a quest which they didn’t complete.

It was stated that I hadnt submitted a ticket in years, and it’s now apparent that the role of GM’s and the scope of their abilities has been narrowed. Information that I was unaware of at the time of opening the ticket.

Gone are the days of in-game personal interaction, where as I stated in the OP, more often than not GM’s would go above and beyond to resolve player issues. The new era is here to stay, and while you may disagree with the reason for my ticket, I find it hard to believe that someone would find issue with the suggestion that in-game interactions serve the community better than one way responses which are largely generic or outsourcing your attention to WoWhead for answers.

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Well, there is this, which you could have found and which I did in about 30 seconds:


It’s pretty clear I think. Probably would have saved you a lot of angst.

Thanks for posting information that has nothing to do with my OP, happy to see that your thorough researching skills couldn’t be used to read the topic presenting in the original post.

But…it’s precisely on point with your post. You complained because you failed to get assistance on a personal level from a living GM - which most people know has not happened in the game for a very long time. You said you’ve been playing since 2004, I would have thought you would have known that.

And even if by some freakish chance a real person did talk to you, they would have said they can’t help you, which is what this support page says. So if you had read that, you would have known that they couldn’t help you, so you didn’t need to talk to anyone, live or via text or whatever.

Complaining that their support staff can’t talk to you on an issue that they have clearly posted they can’t help you with seems a bit…odd.

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While you are correct that blizzard has gone downhill quite a bit it’s mostly the fault of Entitled people who think that just because they pay for a subscription that a company needs to bend over backwards to please them. You pay for access to the servers nothing else heck you don’t even own the toon you play on.

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It’s not that they think it’s good customer service if that it’s an easy way to get rid of people with unreasonable requests or issues that they simply can’t help with.

They never had unlimited power to change things.

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No it’s not. An office is generally a regimented place Where one can focus on work. It’s not just adults “working,” from home. Quite a few people are dealing with home schooling as well now.

I worked in retail for more than three years and his list was nothing more than a slot on misinterpretation of a low level thinker. shrugs

I had an issue a couple of weeks ago, and felt the GM was very rude and unhelpful.

I Transferred one of my characters from Wow 4 account to Wow 3 account with no troubles. WoW 4 account has 44 characters (now 43) and WoW 3 account has 45 characters.

A week later I tried to Transfer another character from WoW 3 to WoW 4, and received a message that the destination account had too many characters. It had 43, which was 2 less than the account I’d transferred a character to a week before!

The GM said that no character could ever be transferred from an account where there are more than 10 characters! (What!!! I’ve been transferring characters for years and always have almost Max.) He stated that this was a rule and could not be altered in any way.

I kept my ticket open, thinking that the particular GM who answered me didn’t know his business, because, if he were right, how had I been able to Transfer a character just the week before, from an account with way more than 10 characters.

A second GM answered and reiterated what the first GM had said. He then stated that I would have to delete all but ten characters on that account (so 35 characters) do the Transfer, then contact Blizzard to re-instate all 35 characters.)

No thank you.

I just cannot understand the logic or reasoning of this. I have transferred so many characters in the almost 17 years I’ve been playing WoW, and have never heard of this rule, nor have I ever had such issues. It was frustrating and stupid, just a pointless waste of my time, really, for something that should have been easy.

So yes, I agree, the personal quality of GM service is sorely lacking.

I’ve made silly mistakes before in WoW, and in the past, EVERY TIME, a GM has spoken to me in game and fixed the issue, while telling me not to be a noob again. And that is the CS I feel I pay for, not this irrational, faceless, impersonal and illogical strangeness that I receive now. :seedling:

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