Quae and Kinelory

Everyone is acting like the married guys in Ardenweld are the first LGBT relationship in WoW but Quae and Kinelory were there at the launch of the game in Arathi Highlands- and it was pretty obvious how they felt about each other.

It was always there, it was never a big deal, the quest was interesting and fun.


every male interaction is actually a dog whistle for gayness don’t be fooled by the societal construct known as “friendship”, it’s just something Christianity has made up

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Don’t forget the Pally Pals.

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:thinking: :face_with_monocle:

This really hasn’t been a central topic for a while now. Forums had their fun with the topic, but the attention span isn’t very long here.

They’re not gay, they’re just two close friends who are both smitten with the same woman.

I won’t say if we are gay or not, but we do need more screentime, we’re an awesome duo