QoL travel changes for consideration!

Quality of life travel changes for your consideration, please!

  1. (significantly) Boosted flying travel speed (e.g., jet packs on birds, or new mechanical flying travel creation…), available at lvl 60 after completing a new quest chain and paying one-time gold fee

  2. World transporters between major cities that requires a special re-usable item on 1hr cooldown, available at lvl 40 after completing a new quest chain…

  3. New “Metropolistone”, to complement Hearthstone, that you can only set to a major city
    . Hearthstone and “Metropolistone” can be placed in key ring, consistent with similar new items announced for p4

  4. 50% increased speed while ghost/wisp after dying

  5. New epic mount options that are cheaper or accessible from quests/events in p4!

  6. New direct flight paths that go directly to your destination. Why have connected flight paths when the birds don’t actually stop/swap between flight paths on your way to final destination? As we would lose ability to end flight early at nearest flight path along the way to destination, we could instead introduce a new dialogue with Flight Master that asks you to confirm your destination once you click it on map to avoid mistakes. And hey, maybe the Flight Master can also give the estimated flight duration on map or when asking to confirm destination! Flight Masters have been slacking in this regard…

  7. Since we’re here… if you log out during flight, your flight should continue to your destination. Given the bird is doing all the work, and they have other customers to
    serve, I think this is fair to consider! Time in (passive) flight should be considered differently from other (active) gameplay - we’re just passively along for the ride, so ride should continue while logged out.

Hopefully reasonable in the eyes of dev team. So much play time (and life force) is lost to (slow) in-game travel.

And with so many new in-game events, we need more and faster travel options to enjoy them all!

roll a mage, bud :expressionless:

roll a night elf, bud :expressionless:

Uhh … roll away and go afk, bud. :expressionless:

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sounds bad and you should be ashamed. Uninstall and think about your life

the landing spot might not always be … free from threats and dangers…

I want faster flights. Make flights fly like 200% faster. Most flights are too long. I can make dinner in the time it takes to fly some places.

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Trinket that allows you to dismount from the flight mount anywhere.
Parachute not included.

That provides no value add as you can do that now. The goal is reduce time spent waiting for passive slow in-game travel that is not active gameplay, where you could use this time for literally anything else (real life, play an alt)

The whole purpose of classic including Season of Discovery is to escape all of these quality of life “features” that took the life out of the retail version of World of Warcraft. Traveling should be a concept in World of Warcraft and part of the game play. If you want fast travel play retail or play a Diablo game, but don’t come into classic and demand “quality of life” changes that take the life out of the world just like in retail.


If time spent on passive slow in-game travel that is not active gameplay is a meaningful part of your life, you should take your own advice…

You really are clueless about what real MMORPGs are all about. The “gameplay” is being in a virtual world, which includes downtime and “not active” gameplay traveling such as boats and flight paths. That’s a meaningful part of my experience on World of Warcraft, EverQuest, or other real MMORPGs I play. If you want a Moba style game there are plenty of other modern games you can play.