For those unaware, with 10.2.7, Outlaw Rogues got a long overdue QoL improvement with the way the Audacity talent works. When Audacity procs, it changes Sinister Strike into Ambush, rather than requiring a separate keybind for Ambush when Audacity procs.
As it is today, there doesn’t seem to be any case for hard-casting Demonbolt. Demonic Core procs are the only time we seem to ever cast Demonbolt, and Demonbolt takes priority over Shadow Bolt when Demonic Core procs. Therefore, this seems like a good QoL opportunity to give Demonbolt the Audacity treatment: have Demonbolt replace Shadow Bolt as long as there are Demonic Core procs to consume.
On a more general level, is there actually any case where we’d want to hard-cast Demonbolt? Is there any case where Shadow Bolt would take priority over Demonbolt, even during a Demonic Core proc?